
peacock how to!

Today i'm flashing back to my SYTYC days...I won the whole shebang with this sucker (but it was close cause i was against the PRETTIEST dress that i ever did see!)

and i've been cleaning out the mass mess that is my garage...

and i'm enrolling for hoarders anon.

and then i'm going to tackle my craft desk
(i may not resurface...)

so since i'm not crafting...i'm calling in the old posts...

so you know how you buy blinds and install them and have a bunch extra at the bottom..

well, here's a project to use them.
(waste not want not)
i used about..this many.. (16ish) (they are about  2 inches wide and 3 feet long )

i had to prime them first which is always a time suck but neccessary...

I actually painted them first before attaching them together (then i repainted them..so either way works.)
i took two extra pieces of blinds and hot glued the painted blinds on top evenly....

the first coat...you can see the brush stokes (kinda looks like a photography glare)
so i redid another coat because i wanted a more smoother finisher...

this process is super easy. (pinky promise) i start at the top...with yellow/green. mix them with my brush and paint the first...now you don't clean your brush (if you have a bunch of paint on it you can wipe it off but don't clean it!) then you put a dallop of the next color of paint and work it in (so i added more green..no more yellow) and then the next color is a darker green mixed with the light green...then the next one is the dark green alone...the next one is the dark green mixed with blue...then more blue and less green...etc....
here's what my paint plate looks like...
you can always add white if you want more subdued colors...and if need to darken any colors you can add black (a tenny tinnny bit...a little goes along way with black)
and then when you are done you let your little one use up the last of the paint...
a little picasso.
in her panties....

after it dries i chalk outlined a picture of a peacock

(i can't find where i got this...

(i did see one like this on the silhouette camoe library...so if you could cut it out huge and use it as a stencil)

but while googling found THIS image which is a stencil so if you aren't a painter you can still do this!
chalk easily rubs away and helps a ton seeing where to paint!

then you paint...

 and paint...
 these blinds are wood grain...so a double coat was a must.....

then i just added a few nails and hung that sucker up.....

these pillows are just fabric i wrapped around to make the painting pop...i actually was working on an alternative peacock project (involving that peacock feather on the green pillow!) maybe i will finish it soon! (don't hold your breath)

(i might be addicted to blinds...i also use them as the fake board and batten in this picture...

and i also made a sunburst mirror with them!



  1. Wow! That's a gorgeous painting! I love how you used extra window panels as the canvas did an color invert with the peacock!

    Great job (: - Vicki

  2. I love how real you are! My craft table looks something like that too. You are stinking amazing as well, who would have thought that was left over blinds, awesome job. You have inspired me, I havebeen wanting to put a canvas painting in my living room but just can't break down to pay the price for a canvas as large as I want. But since my husband is a carpenter there is reclaimed lumber laying around here somewhere.

  3. I love how real you are! My craft table looks something like that too. You are stinking amazing as well, who would have thought that was left over blinds, awesome job. You have inspired me, I havebeen wanting to put a canvas painting in my living room but just can't break down to pay the price for a canvas as large as I want. But since my husband is a carpenter there is reclaimed lumber laying around here somewhere.

  4. I love how real you are! My craft table looks something like that too. You are stinking amazing as well, who would have thought that was left over blinds, awesome job. You have inspired me, I havebeen wanting to put a canvas painting in my living room but just can't break down to pay the price for a canvas as large as I want. But since my husband is a carpenter there is reclaimed lumber laying around here somewhere.

  5. That's AMAZING! You have such talent, I could never do that. I love your sunburst mirror though - I could totally ace that.

  6. I just LOVE it and would LOVE one of my own but if I made one it would look like a 3 year old did it :) great job


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