
no one is going to come unless you have INVITATIONS!!!!

this isn't my first rodeo princess party (third in fact....what can i say? we likey the princesses. (or i do and i push them on my daughters..)

first invitations is.....

My daughter loved playing with this...like the court jester had delivered it to her to invite her to the ball....
I had some of these brown wrapping paper (and i ended up using brown paper bags!!!)

I cut them all into a regular size of paper so i could fit it in my printer...

if they are thin you have to tape or glue it to a paper..

and i got on word and typed in

and printed them out...

then we added some stamps...

and rolled them up and tied them...
and ate some dinner (it was actually THIS RECIPE from pinterest and we all liked it. Even the husband said, "I was getting ready to get mad but this tastes good." he doesn't like his dinner to be gross (remind me to tell you the story of the potatoes sometimes) anyways..mr. picky pants approved so it's good.

i let the little one decorate the envelope.....

invitation number 2...
you can also make it easy and upload a picture and just use picmonkey to write the invite details....and send it walmart and have them printed up!

you can also do thank yous...

this one was for my other daughter's 4th birthday..i actually drew the mirror and cut it out myself and then wrote on the tin foil with sharpie...(that was before i had a computer) so i wnated to try an easier route this time...(the old school way worked great in case you were wondering)
.I took some tinfoil and taped it down to some cardstock (needs to be heavier than just regular typing paper...
and printed my message on it....
then i went to google and found a clipart i liked...
and uploaded into google docs so i could stretch it out and made it as big as possible

(you could totally use your silhouette for this!)
cut it out...
cut out the tinfoil around the words and tape it on..

alright...so there is 3 invitation ideas....

and as promised you ...one for a boy....
(this is was for my son's 3rd birthday party where i made a giant batman pinata...but that was before i blogged so i took no pictures of it...)
this invitation has a super secret message that only superheros can read....

 and the how to on the back...

now...there are so many fun invitations...if you are having a themed party..there will probably be an awesome themed invitation to go with it (in another life i think i would love to be a kid's birthday party planner...)

anyways..i just wanted to show you a few that have caught my eye .....

and for a good time go HERE!!!!




    thanks for all the great ideas. its my goal to become way more crafty this year. your going to help me get there :)

    lydia @ the adventures of Mommaloo

  2. Okay...WOW! Those are all fantastic ideas!!

  3. these are fabulous ideas! I love the mirrors. My daughter (almost 5) is still obsessed with princesses so I see another princess themed party in my future

  4. these are fabulous ideas! I love the mirrors. My daughter (almost 5) is still obsessed with princesses so I see another princess themed party in my future

  5. What a treat! Thank you so much for posting my Rolling Pin Cooking Party Invitations, you made my day!

  6. HAHA!! Sorry, I got sidetracked by he was all ready to be mad at dinner! :) All the invitations are super cute! LOVE the mirror ones!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.