
shout out sunday

small town life
you know how much i love this saying!!!!

bonnie's blog
that sign is ADORABLE! i love it so much i want to have another kid call him/her alice shirley and make a copy of this sign.

Let's explore
love these cute printable! 10 super fun easy inexpensive things to do to make sure you make the most of your days with your youngins!

sugar bee crafts
i (heart) these hairclips. (i (heart) sugarbee too)
woman's day
this plate/clock is awesome.

vibrant designs
this bag is so cute...but here's the awesome part! she will make this bag with the fabric you send her! that's right! you get to pick your very own fabric~ I think that is so awesome! that way you get exactly what you want!!!! brilliant i tell you!

lookie what i did!

i won't show this to my husband. he will love it and insisit i make it and i don't have any room to put it.
but it's awesome.
and if i did have room
(and i loved my husband)
i would make it.

these pictures are so cute! i think it's such a brilliant idea!!!!

my decoupage life

love anything involving a castle!

36th avenue
um. i need a nook. and a dresser...and someone to come paint strips for me. i wonder if 36th avenue would mind if i just moved in.

this paperdoll set is so fun! i want to have a birthday party and have a little paper doll station.
buggy and jelly bean

oh, blue painter's tape. how much fun you are.

eighteen 25
this idea is the most brilliant one ever.
in all of history.



  1. Totally pinning all of these! LOVING the Paper Dolls set. Making up a batch of these to give as Birthday Gifts for all my Daughter's friends. :)

  2. Cool blog. And thanks for the shout-out! :)

  3. great round up - - thanks for the feature - - and that nook - love it!!

  4. Wow thanks for the feature! I love the others who were featured too


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