
pin cushion.

i lost my freakin tomato thing. (and the pins stuck in it.) so i had to whip one up! (and then buy some pins....)

i measured around the lid....and cut it smaller....

hot glue fabric all around withs stuffing inside...

nice and tight...
then i hot glued it inside the lid and added another piece of fabric to make it purty..
i store extra pins down inside..(you could also keep mini scissors, measuring tape, sewing machine needles..whatever you need!)

for info on how i made my jar all pretty red and polka dotty you can go HERE
Pin It


  1. Yup, yup, yup. Why did I not do this? I made a little pin pillow but of course the pins come out the other side and stick you if you're not careful. Have to do this and store my buttons underneath. Thanks lady!

  2. That is great! I will do just that today. Love it.

  3. Very cute...I need to do this..thanks for the idea!

  4. I could see this as an adorable little sewing kit for someone. Maybe a beginner or just as something quick and easy when they need to make a quick repair like a button )for those who handsew them on still like me!

    I might have to make one for me now!

  5. I thought you had your pincushion set on top of a jar of strawberry jam, lol! Very cute idea.
    My Mom had a pin cushion made from black velvet & what felt like sand, also using a canning lid & ring, sure kept the pins nice & sharp.

  6. Gee you amaze me with your cleverness... who would've thought of that??? Huh??? I am off to hunt for a jar.

    Kate (kittie444@hotmail.com)

  7. I love this! Especially since you can store extra pins and what not below in the jar!

  8. I have a tomato one too, but it always goes missing! (mostly because I cant remember where I set it down last!)

    Do you use a special kind of stuffing?

    Fantastic idea :)

  9. What a great idea! I have too many pins for my tomato. I'm definitely doing this!


  10. Loooove this idea! Seriusly, why do we all resort to the ugly tomato?

  11. Very clever and I will try it! Love your blog and I will be looking around now.

  12. Sometimes the simplest things are the best things!

  13. I love these mason jar pin cushions ~adorable & functional.

  14. What a great idea! I love it

  15. That's such a great idea. And the bottom could be filled with all the other stuff I keep loosing, like the seam ripper and measuring tape. And it'd be heavy enough to stay on the table while I'm working. Brilliant!

  16. I've had my tomato since 8th grade home ec class--I wish it would get lost. I'll have to whip one of these up anyway, and I've got the cutest little squatty jar to do it. Thanks.

  17. This is so clever! I love it. But I gotta tell you I have laughed out loud, for real, at the comment of "I lost my freaking tomato thing." That is hilarious! LOL!!!!


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