
lamp and stuff

i decided to give my little lamp a makeover...
the before:

i moved it downstairs cause i made my new ruffled lamp and didn't have a place for it..but it didn't match the decor....so i spraypainted it nickel from krylon
and recovered the lamp shade...

I just took the shade and rolled it along the fabric and marked it off....(i always cut bigger too just to be on the safe side)

then i just hot glued it around....

and painted my nails...sorry. everytime i do it i feel like i should get credit...

I then took a brown ribbon...and since the lamp is curved if i would have just hot glued it around the base it would have puckered...so i pleated? ruffled? it...and then hot glued it around...

it lies a lot better!!!!!

matches so much better!!!!!
the lamp was just part of a little wall makeover! you can go here to see it all!

who's loving the houndstooth dresser? cause i am.
husband not so much....but what does he know?


  1. I love the lamp! It reaaly looks great.

  2. Oh wow! I love it! You made it look so easy! I've been thinking of ideas for my daughters lamp makeover. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Functional Friday

  3. Super CUTE!

    I am a Polka Dots LOVER!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. suuuuuper cute...love the geometric design you chose! And love that collage on the wall...once again super cute! hehe

    p.s. come check out my custom blog giveaway! :-) Not that you need a new design...yours is very cute but its always fun to change it up?!?! :-)



  5. Love love love the houndstooth dresser! I would never think to put brown on a lamp with a silver base... I love it!

  6. Love the dresser and the lamp

  7. Cute lamp makeover. Thanks for sharing. I really love it.
    And the dresser is awesome...
    Greetings from Germany

  8. That lamp rocks. Sooo adorable! And that houndstooth dresser is awesome (my hubby probably wouldn't like it, either), but it totally caught my eye and made my heart skip a beat!!!

  9. Ok, Kim, do you want to come decorate my house? Because I love it! I like the brown polka dots and the hounds tooth dresser. I love it all.

  10. Men don't know anything, the houndstooth dresser is supertastic!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.