
i've been keeping a secret......

you know my love of online competitions.

and i especially love sytyc.....so when they asked me back for all star round.....i couldn't help but say YES!

(which was quickly followed by a OH NO! what did i get myself into!)
it's some tough competition!

but i need to prove myself worthy for the stupid cake that got me kicked off last time!

so i'm back with a vengeance!!!!!!


YOU can go HERE to vote

but this time around...it's not anonymous!
which means i can tell you that i made a portable nintendo ds holder....
it folds up nice and small...holds games..his charger...and odds and ends (and then i made one that is just a game holder for the kid that already has a case for his dsi.

but when you go vote...i don't want you to vote for me just cause! there are some awesome ideas over there so make sure to vote for the one you love the most...

{just don't let me lose by a landside please.}

and if you want to read about all the ladies competing...you can go HERE


  1. love it! You're braver than I, I'm not ready to work with clear plastic yet... lol

  2. LOVE this idea!! I wonder if I can make it work for the LeapPad...hmmm. I am so voting for you!

  3. You have my vote too! I've just starting brainstorming ideas for this very thing! Hopefully there will be a tutorial in the future, please oh please!?!

  4. LOVE! Great job! Good luck!

  5. Kimbo,
    Don't leave me hanging! Where did you find that awesome fabric? I just voted for you because I have to see the tutorial for this. Love your stuff!

  6. Gonna have to pull out my sewing machine and try this one! We are constantly losing games!

  7. Gonna have to pull out my sewing machine and try this one! We are constantly losing games!

  8. TUTORIAL! TUTORIAL!! This is seriously so awesome, my son would LOVE it!! And the fabric - so rad! Also, would you mind sharing how you got that batman logo on there? Thanks! You're amazing! I voted for you! :-)

  9. My HUSBAND would love this lol. I voted for you!!!!

  10. I voted for you!! And not just cause; I thought yours was the best! And I so want one!!!!! You should sell those!

  11. I love this and voted for it. It might be because my son just received a DS this past Christmas. The case we gave him doesn't have nearly enough room. This is super cute!

  12. Love it. Need a tutorial and a Pin It button to easily pin to my pinterest board of things I want to attempt.

  13. I love this idea and so would my grandson who got a Nintendo for Christmas. I voted for you!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.