
christmas shout outs

corner house on under the table and dreaming

i feel like i should be talking in hushed tones while i look at this wreath...

and i thought i loved you then on sugar bee
tissue paper!!!!! i'm going to make my kids do this for me and hopefully it will look as good!


some people's children. so clever.

Crab snob
what a great way to remember what you want each year...i think i would be embarrased to write justin beiber on my daughters though...

the wonderforest
kinda like the knock off better. okay..totally like it better!

Older and wiser
this link will take you to awesome ideas of wrapping....cause in my opinion wrapping is *almost as important as the present.

shabby by melissa
this etsy shop is filled with awesome christmas goodies!

ginger snap crafts
congrats for winning the omtowi with this beaut! (hayley you should do this!!!)

cute as a fox
will you adopt me? i want this at my house...i call dibs on a penguin!

a pumpkin and a princess

cute simple...and you could totally use a glue gun!

happy looks good on you
aoooooh. (a little bit of drool) mama wants....
lines across my face
felt. (sigh) i really can't decide which one is my favorite!
house of noise
i have these snowflakes from the dollar store! now i just need a turqoise door~

sparkle on under the table and dreaming

love this. wayyyy to lazy to attempt it..but totally love it.

my kids would love having their very own advent!!!!
how cute is the yarn wrapped star! would make a great tag on a present/ornament

(need i really say more)
okay...there are a lot of topiary trees on this shoutout...
but amy at positively splendid compiled a whole shoutout of trees...
and they are all completely different than the ones here....
like this one from bored and crafty

go HERE to check it out


  1. I seriously search Pinterest all the time for DIY projects, just like the ones you posted about. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!

  2. Thanks for featuring my rick rack tree :)

  3. Oh my! All the ideas are fabulous.. Love that paper wreath...I agree...speak of it with hushed tones. Amazing!

  4. I was thinking the same thing about the nativity!! I need a bigger fireplace-mine is full! And that ruffled tree skirt~I want to wear it! :)

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my Nativity! :) What a great round up of Christmas ideas.

    Ginger @ gingersnapcrafts.com

  6. Thanks so much for featuring my yarn wrapped star tutorial :) New follower!


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