
baby blvd.

here's the problem with some people.

they have everything.

or don't want anything.

my mom tried to get us to donate a turkey to the food shelter one year instead of buying her a present.
i mean who doesn't want a present
(we ended up buying a turkey and a present for her..i mean how do you not by your *fantastic* mother a present for christmas?

anyways..THAT is the main reason i love homemade gifts. you know they don't have it --and you can specify to their specific styles.
so when baby blvd asked me to review one her patterns --i said for shizzle mynizzle ( i didn't really say that..) but i thought this would be perfect for some of those hard to shop for people in my life!!!

i chose this one--cause that is the size of scriptures i have:
but she has the compact ones and this one
and one for the hymnal and even bags to carry them in

the pattern was awesome! so easy!

and it had great pictures. i honestly think i could have made the cover JUST by looking at the pictures!

I forgot i was going to add straps to this one..... but they seem really easy--just a few quick steps!

 start to finish I probably only spent 30 min....and now that i know what i'm doing i probably could cut that down to 15 min! it's a really fun fast project!

and cause i can't resist..i had to add a flowers...if you had a sewing machine that does embroidery..you could add initials...the possibilities are endless on making it personalized!
not a big sewer? don't want to add ANOTHER thing to your christmas to do list? she also sells ADORABLE finished ones

so go check out baby blvd

also today is blue and purple holiday party link up over HERE

1 comment:

  1. Oh what beautiful covers!!
    My mom does that too me every year...I never know what to get her!! Sheesh!


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