
bam! (from elmers..)

okay...so this is the same basic ideas as yesterday...

I traced it out on foam core board (i could literally buy 43 pieces of this stuff and use it ALL up!)

used the knife again....

cut it out....

but instead of covering it...i used the painter's markers! they are the BOMB!
and comes in loads of colors..

and really fun to use!

i used the black to go all around the edges....

then i used different colors to decorate each letter...
and then i put my son to work (should i mention he is so excited that we are ACTUALLY doing a craft for his room.)
we used acutal paint for this part!!!

the yellow took a few coats...

then an outline of red..(and then black)
then i just hot glued the letters right up there!

make sure you  have entered my elmer's giveaway....HERE!

and todays color themed party is mirror/clear and it's HERE
(that rhymed!)

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  1. I love that you hot glued letters right onto the wall! Myhusband will look at me like I'm crazy, but I'm going to try it.

  2. How fun! Perfect for a little boy's room :)

  3. Oh so cute and perfect for his room!!

  4. Found you through CSI project this week! I can not say enough how much I love your blog. This is awesome AWESOME! My boys would go crazy with this - new playroom project coming right up :) TFS - I'm your newest follower!


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