
shout out sunday..black friday edition

so. i thought i would share all things for sale....things i want to buy, have bought..or going to buy for christmas!
petit collage
if i knew anyone with a brand new babe...i would be getting ANY of these prints for their nursery! so lovely!

Eliza Ray Creations
this one for my babe..

this one for my 8 year old....
this one for me!

 the only reason i haven't got a necklace yet....is cause i can't decide! they have TONS and they are all so cute (and cheap!)

nzl bags
mustard yellow...where have you been all my life!

Urban outfitters
i would love a dress form for christmas..even though i don't have any room to stick it! love the zigzag!


these things are rocking my world. i want one for all my kids and myself!

lova handmade
i don't have an ipod..but i know people who do!!

the steel fork
oh! this would go awesome in my bedroom....(well not 10.19.02...more like 03.01.03) great gift for the newlywed couple..

 graphic spaces wood
i have been wanting bookends forever..and these are adorable!

Sprinkles of  Life
for the diy-er on your list...these homemade tags are so fun! i would love to have some...but i would hot glue them to stuff (and i wouldn't want mine to say  johnny in a dress!)

these are such a great price and so colorful!

miss pretty pretty
what little girl wouldn't flip for this on christmas morning!

JL mould
so great for your teacher!

she has such cute sets..I might order one for my daughter to give to all her friends..
hmm...wonder if she has a justin beiber one.

to hold all the hot choc i will be drinking cause it's butt cold.

my son would LOVE these pillows!

score a frame for just the price of s and h....great gift!!!

hot glue gun helpers
for anyone that reads this blog....if i had a million dollars i would get you all one..

 you know..cause i like to represent...

tree house wooddesign

love it..would look awesome above my bed....

dream spun kids
holy. can i get away with wearing one? puuuuhhleasse.????

i just ordered some christmas cards...(and other christmas presents that i can't show you)

but i have to say..i love this company! really i do. (not even get paid to say this) they ship SUPER fast and the quality is amazing!


  1. absolutely loved the baby poster, and the felt house and the wooden letters which you want over your bed!! amazing list!

  2. I love Paper Coterie toooo! Their coupon codes ROCK! I just got my Memory Keeper boxes :)

  3. those are awesome! I love the baby poster! my cousin is due soon and isn't finding out the gender so that's a perfect gift!


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