
Happy thanksgiving.

Things i am thankful for:

*my family

*my heater
*yummy food
*even more yummier desserts
*my "blog family" (that's you)
*heated seats in my car--i love a toasty bum
*awesome black friday deals (finger's crossed)
*walmart (this is me sucking up to walmart so i can score the awesome black friday deals
*and if i'm mentioning stores...JOANNS

and speaking of joanns and black friday..
is it wrong that i honestly thought about keeping all of my pull tags so i could cut in line?
(i would never..just thought about it though)
*husbands who don't ditch you to go hunting (i mean...i don't have one..but if i did i would be thankful for him)
*sharpies(the smell and the writing ability)
*my church
*my laptop...
*andes mints (it's like brushing your teeth with chocolate)
*having the extended family close (well..if jana moved back)
ohhhh. pinterest in the bath. closest thing to heaven on earth i'm sure....

hope everyone has a good thanksgiving!


  1. Love your list of things to be thankful for.Hope you had a great day BF shopping.

  2. :) That's a great list! Especially the non-hunting husband... hahaha! Good luck with the sales today! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I'm thankful for a wife who doesn't complain oh wait I don't have one either but if I did I would be grateful. However I am grateful for a wife that loves me, takes care of me, supports me, will do anything for me. And makes me want to be a better husband. I love you Kim

  4. I'm thankful for a wife who doesn't complain oh wait I don't have one either but if I did I would be grateful. However I am grateful for a wife that loves me, takes care of me, supports me, will do anything for me. And makes me want to be a better husband. I love you Kim


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.