

okay, i'm just as shocked as you are that this is posting BEFORE december....(okay..one day before but still)

but let's talk advent!

i love them

i don't know about you but my kids are a nuisance i mean really curious about how many days until santa comes and spoils them rotten and ask ALLTHETIME. so i love having a way for them to countdown without me....

which is way we have the christmas countdown here....:

and we also have our chocolate version all ready to be consumed

and now we are going to have a little fun HERE:

I orginally had bought 24 manila envelpoes. then reality hit me what a time suck that would be so i opted for one envelope and then loads of cards to put in it!!!

got them all printed up and cut out

and glued them to some cardstock,

disteressed them and laminated them..

you can go here to get a printable version of some of the activites  in google docs...
but if you want cute ones and you have word...email me at kimbowest21 (at) gmail.com and i will send you ones withe cute fonts!

i even laminated the envelope

 you just take an exacto knife and slice the opening
i'll just stick whatever works for that day in the envelope and we will party on!

i also made some printables for the 12 days of christmas:
and just numbers....

and did you see this adorable idea by cheri:
someone did the 12 days of christmas to her family and gave them a piece of a nativity each day! how fun and inexpensive. you could attach a little story to each one. LOVE THIS!
(p.s. did you see her nativity blocks! ADORABLE!)

and made wrapped up all their favorite christmas stories

i don't know about your kids..but you could give my kids some toilet paper wrapped up and they would be thrilled...they just love unwrapping!!!!

and the csi project had a linky party devoted to advent

and showed the winners HERE like this awesome toilet paper one from brown paper packages


  1. I rolled up all the stories and stuff I have collected over the years and tied with gold ribbons. Each night before bed starting Dec 1, we turn off all the lights but the tree and read a story together on the rug. My kids (and hubby) LOVED it last year and can't wait to do it again! They already put the story bag in its place by the tree!

    Love all these other ideas! LOVE LOVE LOVE this holiday season!!!

  2. Love these ideas. I just posted the Advent Calendar I made using a cookie sheet and metal tins on my blog. But I was needing a little extra inspiration on activities to put inside. Thanks!

    I'd love for you to stop by and check out my calendar. Thanks!


  3. I saved toilet paper rolls to do a Martha Stewart Thanksgiving favor, which I never got around to. I was just getting ready to toss them when I saw your blog. Oh, how cute! My granddaughter will thank you. BTW - my maiden name was West. Probably cousins, right?

  4. YES! I want the word doc!! Pretty please? Will ya email me?

  5. Adorable idea!! I featured it on my TT&J facebook page :)


  6. What a cute idea! I love it
    Sadly, no little ones here!! Sniff


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.