
um...do these look familiar?

so you take your basic flower tut.....and use felt...and the outcome is something totally different!
like these:
taken from this tutorial

circles (6)
folded up like an s
 the felt just gives them so much more volume!

or this one

i just added a little rolled felt to the middle.

and of course i had to make rosette one...(from this tutorial)

1 comment:

  1. So I know you are the queen of hot glue and can pretty much make any/every flower known to man (cuz you are awesome like that!) but have you seen this one? I really like them (of course since they are on lots of my products- tee hee) Just wanted to share during felt flower day! http://www.fairlyfabulousblog.com/2011/08/felt-flower-tutorial.html


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.