

this one is another knockoff....and it's embarassing to show mine after you see hers.

comes from how joyful (who has a beautiful blog!)

(sorry...night crafting at it's finest)

I snipped a small inch piece off..

 cut it along the jagged edges (I normally use my pinking shears but my sister in law borrowed them and RASHELL I NEED THEM BACK!)
 roll and hot glue...
 took another rock...(sorry...the vase is literally sitting on my coffee table right in front of me.) and wrapped it up...
 and hot glue it in the middle of the section.

now..i like it to this point..but had a little trouble with the right size of petals..
but you just do the same but bigger....

and wrap and hot glue it around...

she's got other great felt tutorials HERE!


  1. I love this project! It would make a great gift bow too!

  2. So after gluing it all together what do you glue the flower to so that it can be worn in your hair? What type of rock did you use? What weight is it? Ty TERESA


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.