
shout out sunday

love these pillows made from old suitcoats. my dad had one with the leather elbow patches. hmmmm...wonder if he still has it....


this bag rocks my world! looks fantastic!

vintage revivals
mandi has done it again...she has proven her fanfreakintawesomeistness.
(it's a word.)
love the whole makeover...the pvc pipe dresser...the curtain rod.

but this yarn lamp is AMAZing.
and it's just hot glue.
and yarn
(see mandi, aren't you glad you finally bought a glue gun?)

how fun (and easy) is this felt table runner! you know my love of felt...

buttercream bakehouse
hmm....should i have pancakes or cake...or both?

super fun.really easy. great result.
it's the trifecta of crafts.

rolo brownies.

i will say it again.
ROLO brownies...

taylor made
love. no. more than love this scalloped bag.
(i have that gray houndstooth)

everything about this makes me happy.

(these are in an etsy shop... so you could buy them)
and they are so cute.
but i would totally hot glue.

oh argyle. you make me think of my 3rd grade teacher.

intimate weddings
i love scrabble (without the board)
reminds me of my mom.
(this post is a walk down memory lane)

The domestic sugar bake shop
gross little witch fingers....a little too realistic!

living with punks
love that ginormous orange piping!

these are pumpkins. pumpkins.carved pumpkins...lots of them.

it's amazing...
go over and see them all.
i'm a bad mom.
i wouldn't let my kids carve the one pumpkin i bought.



Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.