
pink flower

this is one of my favorites. like favorites.
another little video blog --my allergies have moved down under my eyes...so no makeup=neck down video.
i'm getting a little concerned. and really tired of looking like a scrub.

 what i forgot to mention when i made the video...is that when you cut your fabric...start small and go big.. slightly- it just helps the transition around the flower...

I had these leftover from my curtains..in college.
for reals.


  1. CUUUUUTE! Ooh, I know what I'll be doing today! I hope your allergies leave you alone, soon! That's no fun! I just found out I'm allergic to broccoli. That was a blast. ;)

  2. Oh man!!! You need some allergy meds or something ASAP!!! I am loving these HUGE flowers. :) And that you just rocked a craft from your college curtains... :)

  3. I'm obsessed with fabric flowers, I've even started my family calling them "fields of fake flowers." But, I must admit, there's only so many ways you can circle, fold, fold or glue, twist and wrap. I love these fresh ideas, so thank you!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.