
paper coterie

this post is brought to you by me..in behalf of paper coterie...not because they asked me too....only because i think they are awesomly awesome.


okay..remember forever ago (like aprilish) I did a post about paper coterie and in return got a credit for their shop...

and i ordered some crap.

and loved it.
like LOVED it.

so i ordered even more
(cause i have a little shopping problem)

i got these journals...my mom...mine...and the mil (which she hasn't gotten yet...so hopefully she doesn't read the blog)

{and yes. as i sit here i'm wondering why i took these pictures on my dirty rug. i mean where was i? out of body experience or something.
 ignore it cause i already gave the books away.....}

august was my mom's birthday and i had all the sister's send me pictures of their kids along with each kid's FAVORITEST thing about grandma...
(it made my mom cry..so it was a success)

i just upload the pictures...drag them to where i want and then add some text...really...it's THAT easy. (choosing the pictures was the hardest part!) okay...harassing my sisters to get the quotes and pictures was the hardest part.....

hmm..just realized that all these pictures are of the BOYS! stinkin nephews. sorry nieces!

and that's not all i got...

i got these awesome posters of my kids:
and they are not just paper..it's like a light fabric/canvas...

and they are self sticking...and i have stuck them on the wall by the stairs..above my couch ...on this wall...then on the door....then on the wall again...

and they are still holding strong.

(see my kid's head in the corner.... he's watching scooby.)
i've got actual plans for them..but i just couldn't help sticking them up!

and my sister even got in on the action and ordered a growth chart...
she says it's made of the same fabric/canvas material!

and here's some good news...they ship soooooo quick! i ordered my mom's book on august 4...and prayed it would be here by her birthday( the 27th.)  it came on the 11th. crazy!

i think the next thing i order is a calendar...
and then a recipe book....


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.