
swimsuit refashion

dear moms.

i know you are going to profess your love for me after this tutorial. but SAVE the proposals...

i'm married. pretty happily.

I don't mind hearing that you love me though...cause I love you too.


my daughter is SUPER TALL for her age. and SUPER SKINNY (agaagg genes...yes...i just called myself super skinny. no. i'm not super skinny. but it's my blog and I will drop myself fake compliments if I want to.

so the swimsuits that are her size have a tendency to do this...

WEDGIE. very super comfortable.
(i so hope in ten years she comes back and reads this and gets all embarrassed.) 

and I was going to sign her up for swim lessons which are 4 times a week. so she NEEDED a new swimsuit. and I got on my favorite online stores (old navy and target)
and I found nothing I loved.
I wanted a two piece (let's face it....it's easier to pee)
and I wanted the top to be a tankini.

and i wanted it cute.
really? i mean it wasn't like the weirdest requests.
but I found zip.

and then BAM.
lightning rod.
 how about I cut her one piece...and make a two piecer.

and it's about the easiest thing EVER!

I had to dig it out of "the save for my next daughter" box.....it's oshkosh and I got it at ross for two dollars. she wore it last year...and by the end of the summer...I knew it wouldn't see another summer.

the back view:

NOW...a word:
if your swimsuit that you are modifying has a low back...(like where my finger is in the picture below)
the basic instructions won't work....your top will just have a front and no back...(which you can get totally creative and make some straps to tie around) but keep that in mind before you start hacking into your swimsuits!

this particular swimsuit had a little ribbon detail on the side so I made sure i cut above that...

and I literally cut it into two..(you can use some underwear as a guide to make sure your bottoms aren't to small--or your bum crack will be showing)

then I just folded the raw edge under and pinned
(I didn't even finish the edge...it didn't fray so I thought why waste the time?)

then I sewed...

now....for the bottoms:
the bottoms fit. quite well. but I had a fear of them getting wet and falling down.
and she's seven..and that kinda thing would scar her for life if we were in public. (and plus...she would never where anything i made her ever ever again.)

so I took a strip of elastic and pinned it at the back of the bottoms (along the top)

and I sewed it by pulling the elastic as I sewed...

it made a slight little ruffle at the back of the bottoms....

but once on....it's hardly noticeable...and i love that extra security.

(p.s. if they are really loose.....you can do another elastic in the front the same way..
or just two on each side.)

it took ten minutes..tops...(well, actually it took longer cause I had to wait for my daughter to try it on and the change and then change back until she finally told me "find someone else my size to try it on".)

wish my bum was this cute....

oh to be 7.

running off to pee..

okay...not really...but if she was it would be super easy!


  1. I love this! I also have a tall skinny little girl. Now i wish I hadn't gotten rid of last year's one-pieces!

  2. You rock!!!! I wish I could sew lol

  3. Love it Kim, it looks great! How come you got ALL the brains in the family?!! ;) xoxo

  4. I love how simple this is and yet so perfect! Awesome thinking!

  5. How great! I do have to stop reading your blog early in the morning while feeding my baby because my husband comes in thinking I am completely nuts because I am laughing out loud. Love your Blog. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a great idea! It looks so cute too, better then store bought. Great idea with the elastic.
    I love your blog. You are so funny and make it a great read:)

  7. what a great idea. I just ended up finding slim suits for my skinny mini at landsend.com

    great suits, good sales and they last for the next child...

  8. That was me as a smaller girl. And tankinis weren't around yet. Very clever. Btw, the first picture made me literally laugh out loud.

  9. DUDE, totally AMAZING. That is the greatest flippin idea EVER. My daughter has the same problem, must take after me too, LOL :) Actually when I was a youngin, I was super skinny too, AHHH.

    Thanks for the wonderful tutorial, and your girly is adorable.

    I'd love if you linked this up. Stop by anytime to say hello!!!
    Bella :)**AMAZE ME AUGUST** @ Bella Before and After

  10. Fantastic idea! I just had to fix my daughter's swimsuits too, she's got a booty, so her suits tend to be a little bigger, and around the crotch they hang down, so I added elastic around the leg holes, and wha la! Now she can actually wear them, but I'm saving this for next year!

  11. So simple but amazing. My daughter is really tall as well and it's all in her torso. Thank you!!

  12. What kind of needle did you use? I'm always so afraid to stitch bathing suits for fear they will snag. I L.O.V.E this transformation! I was sooo long waisted as a child- my mom could never find one pieces that didn't go up my butt. My 5 year old is having the same troubles. OH this is a lifesaver. You ROCCKKK!!!

  13. Love this! I was the tall skinny girl when I was growing up - back when it was entirely innopropriate to dress your little girl in a two-piecer. Being a competitive swimmer, I remember the water wedgies all too well.

    I am totally saving this idea for when my daughter starts outgrowing her swimsuits! What a great money saver!

  14. Funny...my daughter was just suggesting we cut her last-year's too-short suit. In our case we plan to make a new solid-color bottom and amke the top longer. You did a great job!

  15. UGH I wish I would have saw this before I bought a two peice for my super skinny and tall girl.
    I cant wait for swim suit clearance time... So many possibilites! love it!

  16. Wow!! I wish I had a daughter so I could do that too!! I don't think my boys would appreciate cutting their swim suit...

  17. You totally rule!! Thanks for sharing your super-cool idea!

  18. Cute idea! 2 bad I don't have a daughter!! :) But I DO have a son who DESPERATELY needs swimming lessons. (I had things lined up and they fell through!) Being that we live in the same town, I wondered who you got into that has lessons 4x a week. I would LOVE that for my son!! Would you mind emailing me? (kandmfield@hotmail.com) Thanks a bunch!!

  19. Great idea and a FANTASTIC tutorial! I am totally trying this, and I will be sure to let you know how it turns out!

  20. I have a tall skinny girl who outgrows her swimsuits so quickly! If I can pull this off, then you will have saved her from the perpetual wedgie! :)



  21. I am facing the same problem! My 2 yr old is potty trained & doing the whole bathroom routine with the stupid diapers & stuff she has to wear & lack of 2 piece toddler suits. I am pretty strict though about my girls belly's showing. This is what I am going to have to do. I think I will just put a ruffle on the top & a band on the bottom out of swim suit material. Thank you so much for this tut! We may make in through swim suit season after all. lol!

  22. What a great idea!!! My daughter kept picking a wedgie the other day and I will be going home to see if this tutorial would work for it. Thanks so much!

  23. Brilliant!
    Thank you so much!!
    you just saved me a shopping trip!

  24. Love this. I have a tall and skinny girl too and I just spent about 40 dollars on a two piece. Wish I would have seen this sooner.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. elastic sounds like a great way to keep from having to spend all that money buying cloths after clothes after cloths as one grows too

  27. Yep you were right, I love you. My daughters have the same tall problem. I just made a mew two piece but now I can salvage the old suit too and we all know you can't have enough bathing suits! Thank you for sharing such a great idea.


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