
pink ruffled goodness

well looky here...an actual craft. on a craft blog. who knew?

anyways....i gave my facebook loves a sneak peak

any guesses?

it's a bird..it's a plane..it's a skirt?

oh. it's an apron...

i bought all this pink....my original plan was a faux chenille...um  ..something...

 but I decided to turn it into a ruffly apron.

took strips of each color....
and I took my iron and ironed over the edge....
and ironed it over again....

then sewed it...

you will also need to finish the other side.....pinking shears, serger, or by folding it over again.

then i made them ruffles...took a large stitch...and without backstitching run the length of the strip of fabric.

then you take the underneath thread....and pull....and pull...very carefully not to break it..
since my strip was so long-i kept sliding the ruffles towards the middle and kept pulling.

until houston...we have lift off.....i mean ruffles.

lots of ruffles...

then I took two rectangles shapes (this is the apron part...so the size is whatever you need...these were about 15 inches by 12 inches.)

then (leaving a little room at the bottom for the hem) I pinned on my first ruffle....to ONE of the rectangles.

and sewed. then pin and sew and pin and sew..working your way up..

it takes a while to keep the ruffles straight.....so go slow.

now..the lightest pink (the one that is so wrinkled...)is  actually my daughter's old curtains...so I took the end of the curtain...which was all finished...and folded it over...

and added the finished strip to the top of the top ruffle.
(you could just iron over the edges ....but I saved myself a step. love when I do that!)

when the front was all done....I took my other rectangle piece and pinned them right sides together
(making sure to catch to edge of each ruffle)

and sewed the two sides together....(see the ends of the ruffles coming out?)

then I just turned it right sides out and tucked the bottom pieces up and pinned them
and sewed (you can do it the same time as the sides...but I wanted to make sure I didn't catch my bottom ruffle in the stitches.

then I took a 5 inch strip....

and made a binding..by ironing over the edges

and then ironing it in half..

then I found the center of the binding and pinned it to the center of my apron...

and sewed it all up.

then i snipped off the 1001 threads and called it good!

and what is better than one pink ruffled apron?

TWO pink ruffled aprons...

i made these for my two twinner nieces who are turning three.

happy birthday a and b. love you.

you can go HERE to see the rest of the present..


  1. So cute, I love ruffles! the colours are great together :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. Although this apron is super cute, my comment today is only to tell you exactly how unintelligent I can be. I've followed you for ages....months even...and I've literally today....just now....worked out that agaagg stands for a girl and a glue gun! *facepalm!

  3. awwwww! I am soo excited!! The girls will love them!! I bet they try to wear them to the store, to church, to ride their bikes, to....everywhere!! Thanks! Love ya!

  4. Ok- if I dont learn to sew by the end of this year I am going to shoot myself! I *need* to make this! OMG SO stinking cute!!!


  5. You crack me up every time! Cute aprons!

  6. Um... I probably need one of those. In a *significantly* larger size.

  7. Adorable! They would make a really cute skirt too ;)

  8. What gorgeous little aprons!! I have to make these and thank you for the awesome tute! By the way, I think it's hilarious you call the twins 'a and b', because my hubby and I do the same to our two (twin) boys! Oh AND I agree with Barbara's comment, it was totally make an adorable skirt!

  9. I LOVE this. And it's funny, because when I was at Joann's last night (remember? Just last night?), I had 4 bolts of fabric in my cart so I could make a faux chenille something or other. I put it back. I need to sew for a specific baby, not a generic baby, especially for the $30+ in fabric it was going to cost.

    ANYWHO ~ this turned out lovely! And I love that there are two! Everything is so much cuter in pairs.

    Also super impressed at your folding over and ironing-ness. I'm so lazy.

  10. I love this! Thanks for the tutorial. I'm going to have to try it. I've been hesitant about ruffles...they scare me a little. But, you make it look pretty non-scary. I'll have to give it a try!

  11. Adorable! You have mad skills and making pretty things. The apron is pretty nice too. ;)

  12. This apron is adorable! Have you heard of a rolled hem foot? It takes out the fold and fold and iron step! I did a post explaining how to use one... http://madeitonmonday.blogspot.com/2011/05/tutorial-how-to-sew-rolled-hem.html

    It's seriously amazing!

  13. This is SO awesome! I want to make one for myself! lol!!

  14. Too cute! Looks like she loves the apron.

  15. I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.


    Come strut your stuff.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.