
love you too...

so my internet was down...again.

and when I finally got to check my email  I had over 40...a bit more than normal.....and a lot of them were from pinterest.

and when i finally got around to checking THAT out..

I found this..
love it. It unfrosts my little cold heart that you saw this sign...and thought of me.

oh yess siree it does.
 now..in all honesty.
I would think you would see something like this

and think of me..

but I'm very flattered. very.

and because I love pinterest like a 4th child....

and in case you are a little slow (hey, we still love you.) ..AGAAGG....A Girl And A Glue Gun.

which is quite funny...seeing how the first time i used them it was in jest saying that my intials will never catch on...cause they sound like a form of dryheaving. but let's face it...i'm lazy. and agaagg is easier to write.


  1. Beetles and AGAAGG... a match made in heaven!

  2. I just call you glue gun girl... cause while I'm reading your blog I can help but AGAAGG (you know - make the actually noise) instead of using the acronym and then people look at me funny... HA HA!

  3. It was TOTALLY me.

    And I laughed out loud when you mentioned AGAAGG being a gagging noise. That totally rocks. Can I get myself an acronym like that?

  4. *blushes* and brazens it out like she always knew AGAAGG stood for A girl and a glue gun! xx


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.