
snip snip

man...i sure wish those were my craft cutting scissors...but alas. they are not.
they are my sister in laws hair cutting scissors.
yup. i snipped more off. My one requirement was:

make the back short enough so I can just put gel in it and go.

you know. time is important....less time on hair=more time for my crafts=happy followers.

so basically I did this all for you.

i'm trying to get an audition for a suave commerical...

thanks sharon.....


  1. I love it! I wish I had a talented sis to cut my hair. :) Sending you warmer weather from Boise.

  2. Wow it looks great! Good decision for sure :)

  3. Not that your long hair didn't look great -- but this hair style is gorgeous! It looks amazing!

  4. So cute! That's the style I want if I were ever brave enough to go that short again...it's been about ohhhhh 26 years since my hair was that short...lol.

  5. Looks great!!! Love the change, very chic :)

  6. Vey cute! Can see we a picture of the back?

  7. Wow! It looks great!

    You look like Cameron Diaz in that first one!

  8. I love it Kim! She did a great job!! It is so much fun to go short for the summer!! I saw you on your deck earlier (I was spying on you guys :) and I thought your hair was shorter! How weird am I??? I am totally into hair though!! It is a nice cut!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Oh my gosh, I have been wanting to cut my hair like that...I just don't have the guts! WORK IT, GIRL!

  10. You look A-mazing! Love that style .. miss that cut sooo much.. glad you can rock it!

  11. It looks so cute!! I just gave my hair the ol' chop-chop yesterday!! Got myself sporting a pixie cut...!!

  12. Really cute! You look quite fetching (people do not use this word enough). I just got home from getting my haircut too. Had the man take a photo so I can get a post up when he goes night night.

  13. Adorable!!! Now I wanna chop my hair off. :)

  14. It looks absolutely fabulous. I LOVE it. I love it when I cut my hair shorter because even shampooing it seems like a breeze.

    You are rockin' the short hair!

  15. Looking sassy girlfriend...love it. I was thinking about doing the same to mine...so easy to style.

  16. Totally adorable. You know you're tempting me to chop off a foot of my hair?

  17. Oh that looks so CUTE! Makes me want to chop my hair off!! Looks like somebody needs a new header:-)

  18. That haircut makes you look 10 years younger!

  19. I am a hairstylist and I say PROPS TO THE SIS IN LAW!!! It looks amazing! I love it and it's really sassy and flattering on you! Fun new look!

  20. it looks awesome!!! i love it on you!

  21. love the haircut! I love short hair it makes you look so fresh and clean (not that long hair makes you look dirty anyways)

  22. Very Sassy ... love it :) and all the better if it makes more time for Kimboisms

  23. I love it! I've had that same type of cut before and it's my favorite - very good for time management. :) Looks great. (Wish I had a sister in law who could do that instead of spending all my money...)

  24. GORG! you look JUST like Cameron Diaz!!!

  25. You're a BRAVE woman... and Looks GREAT!! Really. And the highlights are perfect!

  26. ADORABLE! Kudos to you for doing it; I've been dying to do it for months but keep chickening out


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.