
shirt into cardigan

the start.....

loving the stripes...

and the colors...

not so much the fit. (or the posing)

I need a little more chestal area.

{okay a LOT more.}

so I decided to chop this baby and make it into a cardigan!

I started by snipping it right up the middle of the front...

then I got rid of the hood. I left about an inch extra after the seam.

pinned that extra inch down around the collar and sewed it around

this is the hood I cut off... I snipped off the blue trimming  cause the shirt had the blue trim around the top of the front already...

and pinned it the part of the front opening of the shirt that I cut.

I just folded the extra under and sewed..

and then my lovely cardigan sat in my to-do basket...say about two months...
 slack to the er.

that is why I put this on my quote board

I had an uneven match up where I added the "binding"

so I added this little tab to cover it up... (the left)
cut a square....sewed up the sides....

and just sewed it on folding the edges underneath.

you could add some button to these! super cute.

then I took the rest of the hood and made some embelishments...

felt...hot glue and a pin...you know, cause it's important to have options....

then I can just add whatever color matches for the day...

i need a red one too...

let me tell you the only thing I can see in these pictures....

let's go back to  this:
much better.
i need a clothes dummy...or to stop making stuff for myself...

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  1. Ha ha...I loved so much about this post. I need to lay off the cookies too...it's just been too rainy to go for a daily walk. Riiiight. :)

    I love what you did with this shirt and I love, love cardigans.

    And I agree. You definitely need to make some red flowers! I love red and blue together.

  2. Oh...and your haircut is way cute.

  3. Good choice...it looks loads better as a cardigan!

  4. love the cardi, I feel like you could be in an Old Navy commercial...with the cookies being the mannequins comments. Lol

    Do they still run those fake mannequin spots?

  5. i can *totally* relate to your quote board saying. i am the worst at promising i'll make something for someone and never get around to it.
    i think i need more than a board, like wallpaper my sewing room in it. :)

  6. HA! I agree with Jamie. I am horrible at saying yea I will get it done for you. the next time I look at a project is when someone tells me I have a day to finish it.

    Love the cardigan.
    I just finished one myself. and the shirt looks soo much better now!
    Great job and cookies are a great thing... just not in large quantities.

  7. hahahaha you are so funny! "I need more chestal area" hahahahahahaha....I love the tutorial, I have a couple of shirts that need a makeover =)...thanks for sharing!

  8. I think it looks great! Im going to have to go dig through my closet now and see if I have any sweaters that I can turn into cardigans =)

  9. this looks great! i have a shirt almost identical to that one and it has the same weird opening! now i can actually DO something with it, thanks!

  10. Don't we all need to lay off cookies? Yeah..But I love the cardigan! You did awesome

  11. Too cute! Love it. Cookies are so good.

    Jeanna @ dramaqueenseams.blogspot.com

  12. "Say no to cookies"... ahahaha :)
    I should follow this line too :)

  13. Oh this is awesome! Love the clear pictures of how you did it too!

    I would love if you came and linked this project to my clothes upcycling page. It has a long term linky, so your project would stay there for more than just the week of a usual linky. We have over 60 projects linked up now – some fantastic ideas – and this month I’m upcycling lots of clothes and trying to feature lots of the links too!
    Do come and take a look!

  14. Oh, don't be ridiculous. Though I know what you mean - that's all I can see when I pose too. I need someone to come give me lessons on how to look decent in pictures - not even GOOD, just DECENT.
    I love the cardi! Might have to try something like this now instead of giving my stuff to the thrift store.

  15. I've never thought of doing that. I love cardigans but have yet to buy one. Mayabe I'll just make one instead!

  16. Great idea! I have a pull over hoodie that would look so much better (on me) as a cardigan. Thanks for the tut.


  17. You did an amazing job! it turned out so cute! i really love this! :) thanks so much for linking up to the CSI this week!

  18. oh my goodness, this is BRILLIANT! I think I have several shirts like this from old navy that need some cardi love now. awesome. as per usual- you are brilliant

  19. You're hillarious..... "Say no to cookies!!"


  20. I juts found you over at round tuit and I am glad I did. Your blog si so cute. I am your newest follower. I love this shirt redo and you are cracking me up with the "no cookie thing". You look fabulous!

  21. I'm totally going to raid my closet and see if I have any potential home made cardigans! :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. good blog on online gift shop,people will like to shop online and its saves the time

  23. CUTE!! I just looked up "tshrit to cardigan" on pinterest and found this. I have a super cute striped shirt that got a teeny tiny hole right smack dab in the middle of the chestal region. SAD DAY! Now I know how to save the cute shirt!!


    xoxo, Mallory @ Classy Clutter


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