
snap snap.

(cricut love will resume next week)

we are talking today about posing a picture.

that sounded really formal...
 let's take two.

we are going to make your pictures rock today!
yeah.much more me.

(disclaimer. i am not a photographer.  I would never call myself one. I'm simply a girl with a glue gun that has to take pictures with her camera to show off her glue gun crap.)
When making something fantabolous.....you want everyone to see the awesomeness right? (remember in my blog tips I talked about it twice...GREAT PICTURES and then all the things you can do with picnik? so OBVIOUSLY it's super important...as is most of the stuff I write. (barely kept a straight face typing that)

so you have a pretty craft...and want to take that awesome finale picture

which picture do you like better?
let's say it's the necklace.
I love my carpet..but it's not the most ideal place for photos! (you can always tell when my posts where done...cause if there is carpet in the finale picture...it's done in the first few months of blogging!!!!) 
I have some places I love when I take pictures..
my deck

my sidewalk

my outdoor table...

so when it's winter (8 of the 12 months it seems)
it's hard to get some good pictures!
I posted about these two already
remember these?
cardboard..paint and a doily...
book pages
 If these don't look familiar..
how about now...


 {I hate that cake...will forever be the bain of my blogging excistence.....}
I use these boards a TON! They are cheap and easy and they are small and are easy to tuck away!  I'm going to be making a few more today....

I actually had a whole pack of these fake tiles I got for a screaming deal...and I have had them for oh, 7 years...so I figured I had better start using them.
spray paint (cause the tissue paper is see through...so if you just have a plain white board..skip the spray paint)
found some cute tissue paper

started mod podging on

Let it overlap and after it dries I go back and trim it up


covered a piece of carboard with some spray adhesive
just overlapped until it was all covered and trimmed off the excess
mod podge. (don't you just love that stuff?)

and of course..made another. cause why stop at four....I at least just covered the back of the book page one...so it was double sided
first covered the board in a newspaper.

and do the same as above..

In action:

I also made a "jackson pollock" one (I watched the show about him...and couldn't help myself..It actually was on my wall for about a year)

you can get REAL creative and paint giant ones if you are known to do BIG products and

for other extremely awesome ideas...go here:

I am going to use her idea

to make me one saying a girl and a glue gun....using my hot glue gun of course!


for jewelry....it always looks so pretty against an old book
or use nature! nobody can resist (fyi..most of the pictures are etsy shops!)
found here (for sale I might add!)

                                                                                 found here

I love taking my pictures outside...weather permitting of course!

just makes for such a pretty shot!
and you just can't beat the outdoors...all of my pictures turn out so much better outside (in the shade or overcast days are the best)

and it's great for the BIG projects....cause that would be one giant photo board if you were trying to take a picture of a long dress!

pops of color are always awesome:

a blue chair! found here

 made is fantastic at having beautiful textured backgrounds...i imagine her walking around finding weird alleys and walls to go pin up some diapers on..
that or every section of her backyard is painted a different color.

and the bright white is always classic. makes it look so clean and crisp.

some other great things to photograph with
old wood



she just used clothespins on a branch! so cool!!!!

fabric is an  awesome backdrop..

(I only know this is fabric cause i ALMOST bought it from Joanns.......actually...I might have bought it. You know you have too much fabric if you can't remember what the crap you have!)

these are all fabric...the gray polka dot one is actually on the wrong side..I just wanted it a little bit softer!

vintage stuff makes such cool backgrounds...if you can find a big sheet....
that would be a plus one score in your corner. you could get some mileage with that!

these top 4 are tom design

scrapbook paper..super easy and you can just grab one and go for it

(scrapbook paper)

(dish towel)


One of my favoritest pictures:
this was an honest accident...just a mess on the desk. but I love it!
I also like this one:

so think of maybe staging it!

now. in all reality.....This invictus frame is downstairs...in my husband's hole. dark. it's not on this wall with a flowers or a pear...but it sure looks better than if I took the picture where I ACTUALLY hung it.
when I first started blogging...I thought...you make something....you put it where you want it. and then you take a picture.  silly me. I made these cookie jar hair crap holders....

and they they are...by the sink....in my dark unwindowed bathroom.

not the best picture....
but if I would have put them in natural sunlight..it would have turned out much better

wow. this is getting pretty long. how about a game brought to you by vintage revivals.

it's called...spot the owl..

another game...one thing  is the same in these pictures...can you spot it?

(for any of these tutorials...go HERE...they are links along her sidebar)

you see. mandi doesn't have 45 owls...it's called posing...and she does a beautiful job. Wouldn't it be a shame to wait until a room was 100% done before showing it off...probably never going to happen....so just borrow from other places to make the picture awesome.

another way that I think makes a photo unique is to not take the picture straight on:
make it and love it is super awesome at this:

off to the side to add words...and just a different perspective.

love made too...she has the brightest fun colors:

(please note that the majority of all of these look like they are outside!)

think outside the box!

there are sooo many options to really make your photographs POP!


(okay...this is the necklace I was wearing and the fruit from my counter...I just grabbed what was near!)

see this picture....

it's idaho. it's cold. and i'm too chicken to go stand outside to try to get some pictures done....so
I just stand right by the window and snap away!

and some more behind the scenes:

taped up fabric......i just love this chevron and wanted to use it!

and this is my most favorite spot...it's on the side of my house that never gets sun...and i just tape up some fabric to my garage....

you know...you could IRON the fabric beforehand..but that just wouldn't be me....
It was large...and very windy outside.

so I took down all my kitchen wall decor and shoved everything out of the way and pinned it up on the wall
same with the hopscotch mat


and let's play a little game called don't judge me..i know I'm not the fanciest with my pictures....most of the time I run out of time/patience/sun

(these are all double sided....)

now. I know I have mentioned making a light box before....but I found this great way to make one:

and this totally awesome one using tin foil

you can take a great picture

and then you can take it over the top with picnik (or any photo editing)

let's see some befores and afters

and I love using picnik to put on some words. it adds so much!!!!

it always nice to get rid of the culligan...also..this growth chart is on the wall between my kids room....not in the kitchen! but it's bright on this wall....it's the same place the shirt was taken...

and the majority of pictures are taken when it's cold outside!!!! I have to take down a picture and scoot my table over..but it works!

now. can you have to much of a good thing? I don't know about you...but when I see a  link to a cute craft...and I click over there....and there is ONE picture of it.
I'm disappointed.
I would rather have 35 pictures to flip through than one.

if you have any photo taking trick up your sleeve....I would love to here it!
and i will leave you with this thought:



  1. HOLY cow. What a fantabulous post! I'm always struggling with getting good/creative pics. Totally forget about posing pics like Vintage Revival. Thanks for the little photo feature on my Little Mr tee! That tree and the blue sky save me all the time- when it's not blowing a thousand miles an hour!

  2. Kim this is an amazing post!! I love all the suggestions and inspiration!
    I usually just do the white board thing - or my crates outdoors - but I love the idea of making boards with different materials - and using tiles as the bases. You're a genious. ;)
    Oh - and hey - thanks for linking to my earrings!!!

  3. Thanks for this amazing and helpful post. I am working to get much better at this! SO many good tips here.

  4. So today Jess so excited about finishing something I had thought up in my head yesterday so I rushed to take pictures, but before I posted it I read my favorite blogs a bit. Lo and behold here you are talking about taking better pictures. And since I love what I make... Maybe I should start showcasing better! Especially since I'm just like you and love reading blogs with great pictures! Would I even read my blog if I didn't write I? :-P
    Thanks fornthe tips!

  5. P.S. I hate auto correct on my iPad! I meant "I was" not "Jess" :-P

  6. I definitely need to make some pretty photo boards! All of my pics are taken on the jacked up kitchen table or even my ugly desk at work... *oops. ;)

  7. This post is soo helpful. You are awesome. The End :)

  8. This post is TOTAL eye candy! You are so freakin AWESOME!

  9. I so like your honesty. It shows that we are all real people ;) You have inspired me to make some photo boards. Thanks for all your great tips.

  10. I want to thank you so much for this post. I just learned so much! I'm always wondering why people have such great pictures on thier blogs, and mine just suck. Now I know why... I've only been blogging for a month - so this is something I can totally use! Thanks again for sharing.

  11. This is such a great post...I am so bad at this...most of my pictures are taken like you said on my carpet or on my handprint infested coffee table...LOL...I better get my butt in gear..Thanks for the inspiration..

  12. You made me laugh when you mentioned that you picture Dana wandering around looking for colorful places to take pictures. I picture that for Cherie at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar - like she must usher her children into crazy alleys and stuff so she can get cool pictures against garage doors and brick walls and grafitti and stuff. She has amazing photography.

    Your photo boards look great! I love the sewing pattern - that's brilliant. I have quite a few that have been cut (in sizes my children no longer wear) - that would be a great second life for them.

  13. Kimbo,

    This was one of the best posts ever! Thanks so much for taking the time to put it together. I really learned so much and I'm ready to try out some new techniques! Thanks.

    I usually use a white foam board, but I love the idea of painting it or covering it with tissue paper.

    Also, I have read your blog for so long, and just today it finally dawned on me that agaagg stood for your blog name. LOL. This whole time I thought it was just a sound that you put on the pictures that you loved, as if to say, "OMG I love this it's so freaking cute." Get it? "Agaagg!! It's so cute!!"

    I'm so lame.

    Anyway, thanks again for this perfect tutorial.

    Allison @ House of Hepworths

  14. You have so many great ideas! I think I will make a couple photo boards this weekend. I am just starting and I struggle to get good pictures. I just discovered Picnik and I love it. Thanks for all of your greatness.

  15. Thanks for the great tips! All I've ever used is a white sheet of copy paper, but now I'm definately going to go all out! I'm finding a lot of crafty bloggers in Idaho, we should have an Idaho crafty blog conference, or maybe just lunch, but it would be fun!

  16. Great post. I was thinking I needed to work on my backgrounds and you've given me some fab ideas. I use Picasa to edit photos and recently did a series of tutorials on my blog, in case you're interested.

  17. Love this... I always tried to do 'the best' (Cropping out extra crap), but you've given me some ideas to expand on! Thanks!!!

  18. Great post! Thanks for sharing your tips. They are so creative!

  19. I have been thinking about backgrounds more and more. I am still such a baby blogger that this was a VERY helpful reminder. I love many of your ideas. THANKS!!!!!!!!

  20. Thank you for this! I need to get more creative with my pics - great ideas!

  21. I love the fabric eye glass holders you made. They are quite pretty and unique. For someone with a glue gun you really create lots of great art. I like your suggestion of taking pictures in angles to make the art look more unique.

    -Zane of ontario honey

  22. Wow, great post. I needed this, I'm such an amateur when it comes to taking pics. Up until now I've been using scrapbooking sheets, my bed and my kitchen counter top (=^_^=). Thanks a million for the million »ideas.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.