

I blog....alot. I have a family one...and a craft blog (you're at it in case you were wondering.) and I love it. I try to imagine my life before blogging.....what did I do? How did I document my life? a boring old Journal? scrapbooks? blogging is just more fun. 

But I caught my daughter doing the funniest thing...and I know it's because of my blogging.

She had a birp cloth. And she laid it out. and took a fake camera and took a picture of it.  Then she would move it and put another birp cloth down...took her camera.....pretended to take a picture....and she kept doing it. (I should mention she's barely three...)

and at first I thought she was a little weird.

Then I thought of what I do.
Lay out the supplies...take a picture.
Do a step
take a picture
cut it out
take a picture
pin it
take a picture
sew it
take a picture.

Have I ruined my daughter?
Is she going to think that everything she does or anything she makes needs a step by step picture of it?
Maybe she does....
but is that so bad....?

I love blogging for a few reasons:
a. I do a better job at my crafts....if you think that a whole bunch of people are going to see something..you take a little more time making it....

2. I am super duper shy....but when I blog I can totally be myself (yes, I am being myself..I know I'm a little wacko!) I think that if any of you met me in real life  you would think I was a big DUD!

III. I have made some AWESOME friends. (this could go with super shy one too) but I love getting comments...and some people comment...alot. and I love you the MOST! I totally feel like we are tight
and D. who doesn't love to receive encouragement...I love those comments. I have gotten some of the NICEST emails (that I might have printed off and stuck in my "me" journal.) I love when I feel so...useful! I get a nice warm fuzzy anytime I get a comment (except from you backwards candy corn anonymous commenter...)

and besides......


  1. I know how you feel. Love to blog, sometimes though I just cant think of anything to blog about. My daughter, Lizard, is beginning to ask me if I have taken pictures of everything that we have made or worked on. I love hearing peoples thoughts on what I have done, it boosts my ego. ;-)
    Handsome Man says it doesnt need to be boosted anymore.

  2. I bet it was so much fun to watch her once you knew what she was doing! I feel as though I ruined my son when he asked me if Noah's wife crocheted because it would give her something to do during all that time on the ark. =D Ha!!

  3. haha, I love it! My daughter loves to take pictures of everything too! It's great. Maybe there should be a "kids blog" day and we post the pictures they took and type out what they want to say ;-)

    p.s. what DID we stay at home mom's do before blogging? I mean really? I always talk about my friends and my husband says "your REAL friends or just a BLOG friend! HA! Men ;-)

  4. Oh how funny. I know this feeling. My 4 1/2 yr old constantly asks me to craft or do something fun- then says, are you gonna put this on your blog? Or Did we make this for your shop? I don't think we are ruining them. We are grooming them up to be the next big blogging superstars! ;) Besides, I was years behind on my scrapbooks when I stopped scrapbooking, I only ever get a month or so behind on my blog. Much better odds, I say. ;)

  5. So cute. I love blogging for all the same reasons as you and it has really helped me to know what I want to do when I grow up. lol (Yeah, I'm ummmm 41 and I am just figuring that out.) I love getting comments too. I'm also pretty shy and I agree, its so much easier being yourself here. I think its actually helped me be less shy in person too.

  6. My son ask me everytime we do somehting now, " do we have to take a picture? or is this just for us?" Maybe we have warped them just a little but I think its for the better ;)

  7. I'm one of the last stay-at-home moms who does not blog but that's because I leave it to those who know how to do it best. :) However, I disagree with "All the cool people blog" because I happen to think I'm pretty cool and awesome. :)

  8. I could have written this post - - I'm with ya on it all!! including kids pretending to photo supplies....

  9. I have the feeling that I will someday be where you are right now. I had a major OMG night because I have had you bookmarked for a while, but spent a lot of time looking through your posts tonight- and I loved every. single. thing. I read! Your crafty talent and ability to write inspire me. I just followed you too. I'm in South Africa right now- so that is me you see on your blog statistics!

    My blog is http://withoutcomplexities.blogspot.com

  10. Oh goodness, your blog is so stinkin' cute! I especially love the title!

  11. I'm glad I'm not the only one with multiple blogs. I was thinking maybe it was too much, but if someone as awesome as Kimbo does, then maybe I can too!

  12. Yep - there you go. You damaged her forever ;) You created a .... CRAFTER!
    Thank you for having a desire to produce quality work and actually doing it! It's a peeve of mine.

  13. Your daughter is adorable and is going to make an awesome blogger some day... Just like you! :-)

  14. OMG! I need that "all the cool people blog" sign. Not too long ago I was whining on my blog because some people have been so rude when I tell them that I read lots of blogs and have one of my own. At my last book club gathering, I could feed my ego shrinking up as the others said they could not see why people would be bothered with blogs. And, to make matters worse, we meet at my house--not like I could claim a headache and leave early.

    I get that not everybody has an interest in blogs, I don't why people think it is okay to trash blogs in front of someone they know is into them.

    Next book club meeting, I'm going to have that saying framed and sitting in a prominent place.

  15. Ha! So funny that you wrote this because my 12 year old has a pretend blog (just word docs w/pics) and my 4 year old does the same picture taking process of her pretend plastic food, "like mommy!" I'm guessing non-blogging moms would think this was crazy...but it's just what we do at our house :)

  16. I LOVE to blog too and I LOVE your blog the most! And a few weeks ago Cliff informed his teachers that his mommy "works on the computer and has a blog!"... I was like "thanks little dude for advertising for mommy's blog!" Little pick up on EVERY thing!... I try my best to stay away from the computer when the kids are awake or around, but somehow he KNOWS.... And I don't care what you say, when we get together one day, I PROMISE I will NOT think you are a dud... xoxo

  17. I related so much to this post. My daughter, who is also 3, copies my typing and I think it is so cute! I love blogging too, though I am fairly new to it. I am really shy as well and absolutely know what you mean when you say people would think you were a dud! It is nice to have a place to be yourself and not be nervous or feel like you don't know what to say.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing! It helped me feel more normal. =)

    Oh! And I loved how you changed each number of your list. That cracked me up!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.