

This is not craft related...but it's ALL about me..so I'm sure you are all on a pins and needles.

it's about hair.

I had (past tense) long hair...with bangs....dark brown.

My husband said, "You should go shorter..lighter..and get rid of the bangs."

so basically he hated the whole of it.

Awesome. thanks lover.

I thought about doing a poll on my blog about whether I should do short or long and even got picnik involved
  then I told my sister in law

(the one I painted for)

and she got me in...and chopped it off before I could even blink

(you got to work fast or I'll change me mind)

let's see the before

oh...wait..that's not me...

hair hair everywhere..
the after
still on the fence...mostly cause it doesn't fit in a ponytail...and that is my hair "style" about 85% of the time....

and yes..I know the top is cut off...that's a self timer for you.


  1. I love it - but I lean towards short hair....so are you going blonde next??

  2. Look at you! You are adorable! So pretty!!!

  3. Oh my gosh, it turned out SOOOOO CUUUUTE! Dang you...now I want to cut mine. Aren't husbands so great and supportive when it comes to hair? ;P

  4. I love it!!! I don't know you in person, but you know you you get a mental image of someone because of their voice. Well this haircut fits that look (weren't you just waiting for my approval soley?!)

    It totally goes with your blogging personality!

  5. love it! its a nice change, i recently (last year) had hair past the middle of my back and woke up one morning called my salon and cut it off to about jaw length! i loved it! felt so fresh and new!

    Hugs & Loves, Ariel

  6. Your haircut is SUPER cute!! I wish mine wasn't so thick so I could get it cut that short.

  7. Look sister...I get your husband jive...mine wants it longer and when he saw that I cut mine he BALKED. Urg. So what do I do in revolt to his revolt? Go buy some Duck Tape and make shopping bags and try to make him use them. Nah.

  8. I gotta say....I'm LOVIN' the short hair on you! You can pull of long or short, but you look so amazing with the short hair!

  9. First things first LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair!

    Remember how you wanted me to let you know when I would host another competition so you could participate? Well, get crackin! There's another chance to win that awesome fabric from the last competition.

  10. I just chopped all my hair off too- I love it! But sometimes I miss my ponytail also!

  11. Gorgeous, I LOVE your new hair. I liked it long too, but the new do is gorgeous!

    BTW LADY...You are too stinkin' funny!

    First let me say..I am so rude and hardly take the time to comment you as often as I read your blog! :(

    Yeah I suck I know... moving on..

    I just have to say.. you crack me up! You know you're funny.. I don't gotta say.. but I know its nice to hear. :)

    Well Now that I am done groveling trying to makeup for my lack of comments... I also wanted to share with you, this site: http://www.dailymakeover.com/

    There is a free program on there where you can upload a photo of yourself.
    Its best if you upload a photo with your hair completely pulled back out of your face and with no makeup on!
    Because this free program is a virtual make over! You can try on different hair styles and hair colors and even accessories and do virtual make up!!
    Its fun and awesome. And before I got my new do I(see here http://agapelovedesigns.blogspot.com/2011/02/things-i-love-2.html),
    I went on there to check out different styles & colors.. and actually the hubs was on there longer than me playing around with different looks and then said this is what I want you to do! HA

    So Even though I know you already got the cut.. here is for next time! :)

  12. It looks great!!! Now you can wear more of that hair crap you're always making. My hair grows wicked fast. I chopped it in July and it's already below my shoulders. This time I'm thinking super short, but I have to wait until warmer weather. :-)

  13. It looks really good! I really liked the before pictures, too!

  14. Love it, Kim! I just chopped off my hair not too long ago, too. I do miss my ponytail though.

  15. So, I completely love Brittany Daniel anyways and I got my hair cut like hers and the Kim girl in the middle of the short trio in 2009. 2010 it was a pixie and now I'm wanting to have it at shoulder length. :D
    Anyways... yeah, I love it. and the braid.

  16. you have gorgeous hair short or long! i went for the kristen myself a few years ago! LOL

  17. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!! I love it, short hair fits you better than long, it makes you look younger and so fresh, I love it!!!!

  18. It looks super cute! One question though: who is in the far left picture for the long hair? It looks kind of like Evangeline Lilly but I'm not sure...and it'll drive me crazy!

  19. Way to b brave! I chopped mine off last summer, trying for that middle short picture you featured...and it turned out totally different. I've been growing it out ever since. If mine had turned out like yours, I think I would have liked it better.

  20. Very cute! I just wish I could find a style I love... and hubby loved...

  21. Love the new look! It frames your face well. The "new do" pictures are really cute!

  22. Super cute! Fresh and light for spring!

  23. That's WAY CUTE!!! I really like it!!! I have had mine all different ways and always changing it. I like the side braid you did that really cute too!

  24. Very cute.. and I use to do hair! :) I think it makes you look younger. It makes me wanna go short again, although, I am working toward my goal of being in "Playboy: The Stretch Mark Edition" - and I think you have to have long hair for that. ;)


  25. could you BE any cuter? Seriously? LOVE it. Then agian- I think the before was pretty stinking fab. Loving the short, though!

  26. It looks spectacular! But, then, I liked the before, too. I know how you feel about the ponytail. It's such a nice, quick, easy way to get the hair out of the way.

  27. that is the best look for you! It brings out all your features and frames your face so nicely.

  28. LOVE!!!!!! love love love!!!!! so gorgeous!!!


  29. So I think we are both banned from Mrs Quick for a long time! ;) JK! I do like the hair tho-you would look cute no matter what you do- (at least I can still do a little pony!!!) ;P

  30. I did the same thing a month ago!! I love my hair now! It used to take an hour to do ANYTHING to it... now I can curl or straighten it in 10 mins.! I love your cut! You look so cute!

  31. beyond precious girly! :) way to rock that short stuff! <3

  32. It looks really great!! The cut totally suits you!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.