
some bloggin advice.....

so now that A girl and a glue gun is a YEAR, I am an expert and want to share all that I have learned....

not to the expert part.  

I am in no WAY AN EXPERT ON BLOGGING don't think for one minute I actually know what I'm doing..cause I DON'T. but I have learned a few things along the way that has made my life easier...and blogging more fun! So I thought I would share for any newbie blog that is trying to get started


Super important. you all know i'm obsessed with sytyc...when I would be picking my favorites to blog about...I had a few I loved...but the pictures weren't that great...so I wouldn't include them. Pictures are everything.  I TAKE ALL MY FINAL PICTURES OUTSIDE (or I open the door and put them right by it when there's snow on the ground...or I put them by the window. Natural light rocks. some people have fancy pancy cameras...and know how to use them. But I don't. I don't take every picture of me doing the tutorial outside..cause let's get real....mostly I craft at night while my kids are sleeping.

(see..you get a LOT of carpet shots!)
but i try to get as clear as possible and a really good shot of my finished product..
kitchen floor right by the back door!

(notice the button on my sidebar)
cause A. she has big hair
B. she is hilarious
and C. her pictures are toooo die for awesome! (please see the following 3 pictures as examples)

 I have to tell you... I hate tomatoes...but don't these just look awesome!

mm scrap shoppe shows you how to make a light box so you can take some awesome pictures during the freezing cold winter months...and this is great if you are a late night crafter!

and I am momma gives some great tips HERE


I don't know alot...I actually hired a girl creative to make my blog over...(and didn't she do a great job!?)

but I do know this: make it look nice.

and I will share the tips and tricks I have learned tomorrow! (sorry..but this post is LONG enough!)

I would join 10 LINKY parties a day starting out. It gets you out there...and people over to your blog.
all my SHOUT OUTS SUNDAYS I get from linky parties. I just scroll through to see what catches my eye.
( a girl creative has an ongoing list of linky parties....(go HERE)
I actually stopped joining the "friend" parties..cause I felt like people were only following my blog so I would follow back...I kinda just wanted to people to follow me cause they liked what the saw...so keep that in mind when joining (also...most linky parties have rules like linking back to them! so make sure you do or you will be deleted!)

You can also send in submissions to Ucreate, one pretty thing, someday crafts etc...   Ucreate posted about my animal scarf

and I got 500 views from that one little post
(one pretty thing is the winner with almost 3,000)
and I got a ton over from http://www.soyouthinkyourecrafty.com/

so entering a competion is always an idea! there are a lot of parties out there (csi project, crafting with the stars, diy club) and if you win you get prizes..that my friends is what we call a WIN WIN!

When I get comments... I usually stalk the people and go look at their blogs.  (i'm not just saying this so You will leave me more comments....

i'm not discouraging it though)

also..I love when people have their names  with their blog names like kimbo@ a girl and a glue gun...cause I know right off that i'm not snooping in someone's family blog.

and another word on comments...you can never leave too many. I feel like a special bond with the people who leave me lots of comments (libby, tiggerific, RTSM) I have never met these people but I feel like were friends. right? we are friends?.

(I have gotten some of the nicest emails that I have saved and printed out put in my journal!)


The most comments I get is usually when I tell a story or I spout off about real life things. People relate with that.

 I will always leave a comment when I read something and it is totally something I agree with! 

go read the indiana jones whip comments...(I posted a picture of harrison ford as a young man....and then I got comments about how he still is hot....so is sean connery like a fine wine.. and then other weird names that people have named their kids...lol!)

and go back and read my first few posts..they are kinda awkward....it took me awhile to find my groove!

I am not the best at remembering to take step by step pictures...but I try very very hard! I think it's important to show as much as possible (unless you aren't doing a tutorial that is!) I hate when I see something I love at a linky party...and I click over there and that is all I get....just the picture!
Even if it's something you made previously...you can still try to give a general explanation

this advent calendar was made a year or two prior....but I took pictures of each thing so you could at least see what I was talking about (I'm a visual person...I usually can just see something and go from there!)


I love to craft.

I love to blog

these two have combined into pure love that can only be topped by the birth of my three babies. (oh, and one marriage)
(ps..i have no idea where i got this picture from..if it's yours...let me know so I can link up to you!)

I love it.

BUT it is time consuming. really time consuming

so make sure you love it.

If you treat it as a chore...it will come across on your blog!

love it and have FUN!

(I am so thankful that my husband completely supports me (i'm talking money wise...and just plain letting me blog ALL DAY) so I can spend all this time and effort doing it! I don't know what I did before blogging!

I am momma hear me roar posted about how she makes a post...(click HERE)

she does it a bit different than me...but the way I do it is a HOT mess!!!!! So I won't show you. I am usually working on 5 projects all at the same time...it's what i like to call a creative mess....but it works for me!

I try to have set times to get it done in..it can consume your WHOLE day if you let it!

I have to sit in my daughters room to make sure she naps


so I blog
and I have to sit outside the doors at bedtime..
so I blog
 (thank goodness for laptops!)

I try to get all my necessary stuff done first and then at night or when I have spare time I edit pictures and start posts and check out linky parties.

I start posts as soon as I start the project....currently I have 56 drafts. some are done...some need final pictures..some are projects I don't LOVE but if I ever fall ill than I will at least have SOMETHING to post about and some are just a few sentences cause it's something funny that I didn't want to forget!  I like there to be a surplus...cause if you are planning on doing a craft and then  posting something the next day and you end up taking a trip to the doctor (just saying as an example....not speaking from personal experience) then you have nothing to post.  Everything I blog about has been done at least a week prior.  it's just a matter of picking what I want to post about each morning!

which brings me to my next paragraph.......

I have had bloggers in my sidebar that I have deleted cause they didn't post in over  two weeks.
(okay....and maybe I post too much...)
but if you have like 3 posts a week...I at least know you are still around!)

I like to have new things to read
it doesn't ALWAYS have to be a craft....like,

dear husband suck it.

four words...that's it!

just give me something!

being regular is a good thing!
eat some bran and get regular!


Make sure people can find your stuff. I have a tutorial button (which took me FOREVER! I wish I would have started it when I started my blog) I also have a list down my side bar and I think google offers you a search box. My first time over to VINTAGE REVIVALS (I love mandi's guts) she had a picture of her favortiest projects down her side bar
(yes, she is homemade fireplace girl)

and I had featured like ALL of her crafts
(but they were through crafting with stars so I didn't even know!)

The widget at the bottom of your page that says

is freaking awesome! If I go to someone's blog from a linky party and then see something I like from this tool...I will just keep clicking and clicking and clicking

(and another note:  if you have this feature...it helps to put your final picture first in your post so that is what will show up on the widget!)

go here to get that widget:

and turn off your verification thing for comments. 

I hate it.

with a passion!

come back tomorrow to prettify with me!

Here are some other place I have found with some GREAT blogging tips:



and http://www.733blog.blogspot.com/  click on blog help at the very bottom.


  1. I am not a dedicated blogger yet but i LOVE to read blogs. I think you hit the nail on the head with blog often and great pictures - thanks for doing both!
    Meggan (didn't want to be anonymous because I know what kinda trouble that could land me in here - LOL)

    Oh yes, and I liked your reversed candy corn and RUDE etchings - hehehe

  2. Great post! I wish I had found a post like this when I first started. Thanks for sharing your wisdom :)

  3. Wow thanks for all this info! (Especially how to add that widget, I've been wanting to do that for ages now.) I hate word verification too!! If a blog has that "sneaky" word verification where it doesn't show that you have to do it and then you hit "publish" and it shows up...gahhh I hate that. Sometimes I don't even both leaving my comment if I have to do that!

  4. I'm pretty new to blogging. Thanks for the great tips :)


  5. I am in the process of redoing my blog, so this comes at just the right time, thank you!

  6. Thanks for all the tips. I think the one thing I have trouble with is taking clear pictures.

  7. Thanks for the tips. You take awesome pics.

  8. These are great tips - and congrats on the bloggy birthday! You've done so much in this year - I think you have a fantastic blog. :)

  9. Very helpful...thank you! I am SO going to make that light box this weekend...I've had trouble with the lighting in my house.

    Jessica @ http://myworldmadebyhand.blogspot.com

  10. Random Question: How do you add a linky to your blog? I have gone to the website, created one, and gotten the code, but then what do I do with the code? When I copy and paste it into the post, it doesn't do anything. Thanks :)

  11. Happy blog birthday! I love your blog! I started in September and just now started joining linky parties. HOLY COW! The traffic is amazing! I LOVE them now!

    I would like to see some tips on how you got into advertising.

    Also, how does one disable the word verification for comments?

    I dont care if you stalk me!!
    I also would like to post more. I try to post 3-4 + times per weeks but I work fulltime outside the home (I cant tell you how much I loathe my job, thankfully today is a snow day, rather, an ICE day) - it is REALLY tough. I dont know of any bloggers that make enough on advertising to consider leaving my job to blog full time but I would LOVE to. really. more than anything. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I have been reading your blog for a while! Love your projects!! I just started a blog. What are your suggestions on the advertisements that you can add to your blog??
    Would love your advice! (just read above post--my question is similar in nature on advertising)

    Alicia @http://littlesprinklesoffun.blogspot.com/

  13. You are beyond awesome!! :) I am off to check out some of your links! :)

  14. I need to work on my pictures. And blogging more often. Thanks for the tips.

  15. I really enjoyed reading this, thank you for taking the time to put this together!!! I am new to blogging and I've been working really hard to do some of these things that you listed here. Thank you once again!!!

  16. Thank you for all of the tips!! I am loving your blog! So many adorable and practical ideas!


  17. Kimbo you rock!! Thank you so much for this post!!! It is exactly what I needed right now. My blog is almost a year old, and I never realized what a great thig it really is to have and use!

    I enjoy blogging more than anything, and wish i could quit my day job and just craft and play!! Now, I just need to find my blogging niche and get out there and have some fun!!! Thank you again!

  18. Yeah...like 'One Thrifty Chick' said above...
    you totally rock my socks off.
    For a newbie blogger like myself, I can't thank you enough for the helpful tips and advice in this post. Seriously- I wish I could bake you a cake or wash your car or something, ya know?

  19. Thanks for the great tips - I feel the same way you do about reading/stalking blogs and that's why I love yours!

    Check me out sometime - it's just a little fella blog.


  20. Wow....I needed those tips!! Thanks for the link info on the widget at the bottom - pretty snazzy! I need to get busy and start linking!!!! Thanks again!

  21. I have followed your blog for what seems like forever. I just don't comment as much because I feel kinda weird that I'm blogstalking you. I'm one of the least creative people that you will ever meet, but! I love seeing all of your crafts!

  22. Ummm, I think im might just swoon. I love blogging, and I hope you don't mind that I'm a full time Mommy and college student and might not post as often as I'd like. All my courses this semester are Research related so boat loads of research projects.... boo!
    Anyways I'm at http://mommydoes.blogspot.com and am gonna change my Brooke Anna name to Brooke Anna @ MommyDoes... like PRONTO!

  23. I love your blog! I'm constantly sending my husband links that say "I want to do this!!"

  24. Happy blogiversary! Loved reading all of your tips. I have to admit I read most of your posts from Google Reader, but I really enjoy your blog. I need to get over to comment more often! Thanks so much for the shout out on the light box!

  25. Thank you! Thank you!!! for the tips! I am headed right now to get that widget! :)

  26. Hi from Ireland! I discovered your blog just today, and this is a great post. Thanks for all that info, lots to think about there. I'm pretty new to blogging and constantly trying to get my blog looking the way I want so will be saving this to work on.

  27. I love my little blog and these tips sure are helpful!

  28. great post great tips! i come back ALL the time to your great blog! thanks for everything you share!!!

  29. Thanks for sharing your tips! I'm a new blogger but I enjoy it. I don't post as often as I should, but since the first of the year i have been attempting to do at least 3 times a week. I haven't figured out exactly where I'm going with my blog. I like crafts and sewing...and reading...and.and.and....

    thanks for posting about the widget, too. i've been wondering about that. i hate. hate. hate. the word verification, too. it drives me insane!

  30. I always find myself trying to take photos of a project in the middle of the night. No patience here. Ha!

    Thanks for the great tips!!


  31. Ok, I have to admit that I don't always read these blogging tips posts... Not because I don't need them, because I do, but because I am trying to prioritize and crafty posts usually top the list. BUT I am soooo glad I read this one. I have never seen anyone anywhere explain that linkwithin thingy, and you linked to it and now you are my BEST FRIEND EVER. Hope you don't mind. You won't be able to get rid of me now. Oh, and I added it to my blog, too.

  32. Thanks so much! This is so helpful. :) I love your blog, and am working to make mine successful. :) Thanks so much for your help. I added the widget, and I'm excited about that. I'll have to turn off the verification for the comments now that I know it discourages people.

  33. LOVE this post! I am starting my blog later this year and decided before I started, I needed to make a list of what keeps me coming back to my favorite blogs.. A lot of the things on that list are what you talked about in this post. :)

  34. I am a happy new follower of your blog and I am so thankful for this post! My blog is a little more than a year old and I feel like for that first year I was just trying to figure out the whole blogging culture. Now I'm actually trying to tweak my blog to make it better and all of your suggestions are awesome! On my way to try to install the "If you like this post..." widget! Thanks again!

  35. thanks for the tips!
    i love all your DIY projects!
    Hugs & Loves Ariel

  36. Oh I love these tips- and I love your blog. So much so- in fact- that I just blogged about your blog. OK- enough ridiculousness- thanks for the tips! -Meagan at http://stayathomemeagan.blogspot.com/

  37. hEy KimBo- What a fan-tab-u-lous post! I am coming up on my {{1}} YEAR BLOGGING anniversary Feb. 8th and I have thought so much about my bloggy experience.. what to DO AND NOT! AND WAS going to do a post, but I may just link to this fab. post. I couldn't agree more with you on EVERYTHING. I have totally learned that great pictures are key. When I do my link party and then pick favs. if the pic. is blurry our small I click away immediately. Anyway, you did a great write up. P.S. you are totally under my "Other Blogging Addictions" on my blog. Have a super day. winks-jen

  38. Thanks for all of the advice! I do most of those things but the one I do not do is start writing posts ahead of time or having a stockpile of posts to choose from. I just do something and then blog about it. I still end up posting pretty regularly (yes, I ate my bran) but I would love to be that far ahead. Happy Anniversary!!

  39. this is an awesome post!!! I am glad to hear that people don't mind if I put my website in the comment, I always felt like maybe I was being a little too self-promotive if I did that, so had started to veer against doing it. I will start that up again! I am a comment whore - lol. Thanks for stopping by and looking at the ruffle dress! Will have to rifle through your blog - loving what I see! Great job!

  40. DOH!!!! Stopping by from mesewcrazy.com


  41. I have been reading your blog for a while when I came across a guest spot from I am Momma (or mommaroar.com) as my husband like to call her.

    I started blogging for out of town fam so they could keep up with my boys, but it has turned into a hodgepodge of my crazy life.

    I'm still trying to figure everything out, so your info is perfect. I feel like such a goob to always go to the help section to figure out how to do something on my blog lol Thanks for the tips and in your first part, you said you are in love with "sytyc" can you explain what this is...I think I should be obsessed with it too!

    Kristi @living-blessed-life.blogspot.com

  42. Thanks for sharing this with us! I wanted to know how people made their pics with the white background, now I know! I can't wait to go to the site and make a lightbox! :)

  43. Rock on! I'm still new at this whole thing, but fer reals, you rock. And who gives a hoot about loving Indy. He rocks my socks!

  44. OH! And I have to confess...I broke the number 1 blog rule...I didn't post in one week. I am lame! I think I should start some kind of crappy blog confession site...no! WAIT! No one would post there EVER! And how do you get your name to say (for example) Sarah@braidsandbrownboots? I can't figure that out...der...

  45. This post is a dream come true. I mean it- I just posted my first post today!

    All of these tips are so great and I look forward to implementing them!

    I will be sure to check back tomorrow for more!

    Thanks again!

    Ashleigh @ http://sincerelyco.blogspot.com/

  46. Thank you so much. I am a brand new blogger and have definitely felt a little overwhelmed, this is so helpful.

  47. Great tips, Kimbo. Thanks for sharing them! I love the light box idea-that has now been added to my to-do list. I'm a night crafter too, which means there's no daylight by which to photograph whatever the heck it is that I'm making at 2 in the morning :)

  48. Gotta question...what do you do about spam when you turn off word verification? I hate it as well but when I tried turning it off for about 3 days...I couldn't stand the spam that drifted in. Tips or advice please :)

  49. Guuurl.
    I love this post. I love that youthink I am organized (psssh ya right {snort}) I love that you are pretty much my best friend. And I love the freakin awesomeness that is kimbo.

  50. Kimbo, this was amazing. I'm not kidding. Thanks so much for posting this. I started following craft & decorating blogs in November. At Christmas I decided I would start documenting the crafting I was doing due to all the inspiring blogs. I hadn't crafted for years and its such a thrill! But I didn't expect to love the blogging as much as the crafting. I love it!

    I do know HTML but I'm indecisive about my design, so I'm still working on a look for my site (plus my day job and I start a new one on Monday) - and my photos are awful! Can't wait to follow all your great tips.

    So... Thank you for this post and of course, for all the awesome projects! ~Lori

  51. Thank You so much for this post. I have been trying to figure out how to get that LinkWithin thing on my blog and now I have it. My blog is new so I love when fellow bloggers give advice on how to make them better and how to get them out there...And I check yours daily :)

    lisa @ lisasalwayshomemade.blogspot.com

  52. OMG Thank you for all of these awesome blogging tips. I'm new to the blog world and am completly clueless as to what I'm doing. Now to find the time to apply all of your tips to my blog. Thanks again!!!

  53. Thanks for all the tips! I joined the blog review hop from My Repurposed Life and Megandvd. I got lots of advice from everyone, but you listed a few things not mentioned. Thanks again!!

  54. This is amazing! I've been searching ideas on how to get out there, and it's been really hard! This helps soooooo much! Thanks!!

  55. You rock! I'm very new to blogging (about 2 weeks) and have been trying to learn everything I can! Your tips and links to others with tips are awesome! It's still VERY overwhelming when I stroll through blogworld, but with your advice I feel like I can do this!!! Thanks so much,
    Donna @ www.d-eatrunplay.blogspot.com

  56. Thanks Kim....that's awesome! I think I'm starting to get the hang of it...granted the husband is kind of regretting getting my this lap top now...but hey...he'll deal!

  57. ha! you are way too nice!!

    haha....and too funny.

  58. Thank you sooooo much for all your expertise! I know there are so many crafty tutorials, but I keep wishing that some crafty bloggers would post a tutorial for how to get a real blog going... and voila! I'm a new blogger starting out and this is just awesome! :o)

  59. I had to add my thanks too!

    I am working on increasing my posts and their quality. Since I'm so bad at it still, it's nice to have some advice from such a wonderful 'mentor'.

    I did go and add the widget. Love that idea! Thanks for sharing the link and idea. Hopefully I'll be able to catch more followers with that.

    Thanks again! I'm a dedicated follower and can't wait to read more of your great blog.

  60. Thank you so much for posting this! It really helped! I'm a new blogger, with a (hopefullysoontobe)blog like yours and all of your tips really helped! Last night I linked one of my posts up to several linky parties! Thanks again!

  61. Thanks for posting these! I just started my blog last week so the more information I can gather the better!! Thanks so much for all you do! I love reading your blog!



  62. Great blogging tips! Most of these I've caught on to as I've gone so it's kinda nice to know I'm doing the right thing and to keep it up :) I was so hyped to find the link for the "you might also like" widget!! Thanks for sharing. :)

  63. Love the ideas, thanks so much! I was just feeling like my blog needs a makeover, so I will definitely have a go at these tips!

    I'm wimpy and have barely told my friends about my blog in case they think it's lame XD Still loving the creative process and the catharsis of writing everything down, even if no-one is reading it yet!! ;)

    Love your blog <3

  64. i am very new to the blogging world, so this is helpful! thank you! :)

  65. PIcture advice, great! I'm a picky picture person. Not that my pictures are always perfect, but I can't stand when someone is trying to especially 'sell' something with a crappy picture!
    BUt....I think it would help to verify that these blog suggestions are for specific blogs. I started reading it, very curious to see if I was doing some major WRONG blogging, then realized you were probably talking about craft bloggers who WANT everyone to read their blogs frequently. I share things on my blog only for the sake of just that...sharing, giving back because I copy cat so much of the free tutorial-ness found on the web. Otherwise my blog is purposed for family and friends who REALLY want to read about our going on (and anybody else who has a ton of time to waste reading it!). Actually I home school and like to share my home school ideas, but usually I'm still copying from someone else and just link back to them! Anyway, your blog is darling...you had some good advice, maybe just next 'blog advice' post, specify what 'kind' of blog? Either way I appreciate people like you who are so willing to take the time to share their finds with others. I still don't know how people find the time to keep up with a regular blog.

  66. Thanks for the info, I'm new to blogging and I greatly appriciate the advice!

  67. Great post! Thanks for sharing your tips- love your blog- am new to blogging myself.

    Check it out at www.homegrowncharm.blogspot.com if you have time!

  68. cant thank u enough on letting us know about the wonderful tips on blogging .. Thats lovely of you to share your projects and more so in giving us advice on posting them . All u wonderful ladies have inspired me (lured me) to blog. i love to travel, take pics and most of all DIY. love from the dunes.

  69. I'm in the process of getting started with my own crafting blog. I love reading your blog, especially, along with others. Sometimes, I'll think of an idea for a blog and find myself writing it in my head...and I haven't even made my first post yet! So thank you for this advice. You said many things that I'll keep in mind and I'm planning on making the light box that you suggested (I've even kept the box from my daughter's tricycle to do it!). I do have a couple of questions though (if you have a few extra minutes)...

    When you mention someone else's blog or content within your blog and link back to it (or add their button to your sidebar), do you notify them that you're doing so?

    "Linky Parties" confuse me. I get the POINT of one, but I don't understand how to participate or to host one.

    Darn...this is a long comment...sorry! But thanks again!

  70. Thanks so much for all of your blogging insight. I find myself returning to your blogging resources to help me become a better blogger. Sometimes it nice to just get a different perspective on how to get 'all things blogging' done. My almost 13 yo just started a little blog of her own and I've been bookmarking your resources to learn from :)

  71. Thanks for this. I am new to blogging and always looking for advice. I need all I can get! Kerrye@ http://impossiblecleanliness.blogspot.com

  72. I just found your blog, thank you so much for these tips!! They are amazing and you are mighty funny :)

  73. Thank you so much!! I'll put all of this great information to use on my blog!! :)

  74. Thank you, thank you THANK YOU!!! I have been trying to figure out how to add the Linkwithin thingy forever and thanks to this post I finally got it up and running!!

    The other tips were super helpful too - thank you! I always learn so much coming to visit your blog.

  75. Thanks for the advice! I've only been blogging since April so this helps so much. I love your blog btw :)

  76. Thanks so much for this post! I just added LinkWithin, I always use that feature, but didn't know how to add it to my own blog! :)

  77. I am so inspired by your blog and am psyched to have found you! I just had my third child and am dreaming of putting all of my crafting and diy triumphs (and failures) into a blog since I also love to write, but I keep stopping from myself from fully committing, worrying over things like grammar, my very basic knowledge of the technical stuff, and that people just won't think I'm as darn hilarious as I do:) But I feel super encouraged after combing through so much of your blog to just DO IT ALREADY!! And I AM!! So thanks alot, I really mean that, Thank You!!

  78. So I can tell this is an old post but good advice is good advice even if its old right! I am doing research before starting my DIY Blog. I am still stuck on names but the content part I have covered ;) i enjoyed all your tips!! Thanks!

    Carrie@The Poke A Dot Shop.com

  79. Thanks for all the info. I started a blog but didn't know what to do with it. I enjoy so many things: crafting, photography, grandchildren, books, running, etc. And I work full time. I return to my blog, look at it, sigh and go read another blog from somebody else. So thanks for all the tips and I'll try to write at least once a week. Once I get that habit down then I'll add pictures and go from there. I feel so encouraged after reading your blog. Thank you again.

  80. Thank you so much for the advice. I immediately went and added the widget. I truly love your blog. You make me laugh and you are so creative! Keep up the great work.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.