
push pins

I actually posted about this awhile ago (like when I had 10 followers....)go here

so stop me if you heard this one...
okay don't stop me
cause I'm doin it anyways...so there.

sculpey (it was on sale for about a dollar at joanns)

88 cents at walmart...

rolled a ball and shoved the thumb tack in

you will have to reshape it a little after you put the tack in

I put it back into the cardboard to decorate...

polka dots of course.

roll a little ball

put the teeny tiny ball on

and smoooooosh.

put in an etched pan and bake 275 degrees for 20 min.
hard as a rock....

(my sisters friend is an artist with sculpey! she makes all these little sweet treats that would make the cutest push pins!

(we use them as zipper pulls...this is just itty bitty..)
 (she also make a ninja for the boys...but my son is currently hiding his somewhere so I can't show you.)

so cute on my hand painted bulletin board.
for a rundown of my round cork board check it out at the diy club!!!


  1. Love this. I'm so glad you reposted.


  2. Those would be perfect for the painted corkboards I did for my sons room a while back!!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi,
    Those are so cute and creative!! I am a new follower!! drop by my blog anytime.


  4. So easy! How cute :o)

  5. Your cork board just answered my problem of what to do with my earrings. Using a cork board and pushing in my earrings (all are just post style earrings like thumb tacks) and keep a little bowl with the posts underneath it. It can hang on the wall right above my little dresser or lay on the dresser top with the bowl in the center. Feel free to take this idea and create it for me then sell it on etsy so I can buy it. ;)

    Man, I love reading your blog!!

  6. So very cute! These would make cute little sewing needle pins too...might have to consider giving that a whirl :)

  7. I love sculpy~! I'm going to Illinois to take care of my three grandchildren John,age 14, Kelly age 12 and Emily age 10..
    We are going to do some act of kindness for the nieghbors. BUT this project would be great for their teachers... WOW thanks so much for this idea.. I think teachers would just love these for their bulletin boards...
    Have a Tiggeriffic Day...ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  8. Those are so cute! I love the polka dots. So fun. YOur blog is awesome! I am such a fan....

  9. What a cute thing to do. And this is cheap and easy. I might make some this weekend. Thanks for the awesome blog.

  10. I love office supplies, but my checkbook does not! So glad you reposted. Having a cute office makes me feel like I could sit down and really get something done!

  11. I am so glad you reposted! I actually went to a PD on art this past summer and we made all kinds of cute stuff with Sculpey (nothing like this, though!). I can't wait to make some cutee push pins. Thanks so much.

  12. Those are really cute! I'll have to keep my eyes out for a sale on the clay. And cute bulletin board too :)

  13. Loves it. You know in a jam they totally coud double as earrings...Just sayin.

    Love your guts

  14. I've featured you....please stop by and grab a button :)


  15. Great idea for push pins! Fun & funky. I also make my own push pins


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