
pennant banner

when I gave my living room the mini makeover...I forget that I wanted to do a little banner for across my mirror....hot glue style of course

I cut triangles out of my fabric....two of each color (a front and back)
I hot glued the bottoms together..right sides out.

(you can trim if they don't match up perfectly)
Then I took my twine and opened up the top of my triangle...added a mass amount of hot glue and pressed the top closed.

then I snip off the corners...
folded it down and hot glued.

a view of all the backsides. (I just eyeballed my spacing between the twine.)

then I just hung it across my mirror...

okay..I'm trying to take these pictures...and realize that my husband is sitting on the couch in his underwear...and I had a few shots of him in the reflection of the mirror. lol...i should have included them..teach him a lesson!!!!


  1. cute little banner!

  2. hahah I love this post!! the hot glue, the eye balling, teaching the husband a lesson ;)

  3. This is super darling! I love the tiny-ness of it :)

  4. oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i love anything bunting. it just makes me smile.

    happy weekend.

  5. So sweet! I love fabric buntings, such a great way to showcase cute fabrics! :) This little one is just precious!

  6. Seriously loving this one! I am going to make one this summer for my classroom - Dr. Seuss style. Thanks for sharing the how to!

  7. I wanted to let you know that I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you for so many easily accessible projects. My list to make keeps getting longer the more I look at your site! Feel free to play along, directions will be in my post up later today.



Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.