
the next round of names

It looks like the first round goes to lady glu glu..(if that's her name...I'm going to have to bedazzle her...) 

go vote for your favorite in the next (and last) set of names.

*I'm going with Jules . . . Cause I love CT! (cougar town)

*Elvira because she's hot and mysterious :P

*How about Annie? As in "Annie get your (glue) gun"

*How about Peg? Short for pegamento, which is glue in Spanish. And it's also the name of the saucy dog in Lady and the Tramp. A saucy, gluey name, for a glue gun that will be making saucy, gluey projects :)

*Shirley - because surely it will get the job done

*What about Pinky... other than her literally being pink... you could be Pinky and the Brain!!

*Glouise! Like louise but she is a glue gun so you gotta have the "glue" :)

*CALISTA...say it out loud...CAAALISSSSSTA...plus that's the sound it makes when it burns your fingers (I got a 2nd degree one 3 weeks ago that hasn't quite healed...)

*Aphrodite 'cause you LOVE her so much!!!!


Stellaaaaaaaaaaaa Stellaaaaaaaa


  1. You are killing me! I am at work, taking a little break from the monotony, but trying to stay on the down-low and you ALWAYS make me laugh:) Thanks for todays happy laugh! Keep em coming!

    Extreme Personal Measures

  2. Reading the potential names for your glue gun is amusing. I like Jules or Shirley


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.