
a necklace

I don't like complicated things (ignore the faux chenille blanket post)

and my jewelry skills are NO exception.

and obviously I have a certain look to my jewelry

my first EASY necklace (beads..check..bow...check)

but I this new necklace is even easier than this one...easy peasy lemon squeezy.

and don't make fun when I tell you what I made it out of okay?

nylon knee highs.
they were only 33 cents. had to do something with them.
remember..don't make fun!

open them up

shove a bead down to about an inch to the toe.....

tie a knot.

and repeat and repeat and repeat

and repeat

and repeat

this is the toe....

this is the top. You know how your socks have that double band at the top...stop when you reach that.

take your other sock....tie the top tops together....

pretty bow.

then tie the toe together.

and then....
oh wait.

that's it.
told you it was easy.

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  1. Um, that's completely brilliant! No making fun, total jealousy of your genius brain.

    Oh, and the necklace is beautiful too. :)

  2. Love the use of the nylons! Very cool!

  3. I just saw someone do this with big colorful bouncy balls in them! Super cute and playful! Your is more classy - 2 spins, on a very cute necklace. Love it!


  4. AWWW... LOVE IT. ok,so i made a promise today to comment other blogs when i visit, i normally look, drool and head on to the next one. But i just feel warm and fuzzy today and want to say hello and i think you have crazy skills. have a great day.

  5. I LOVE this! I never would have thought it was made from pantyhose! lol!

  6. Oh my gosh. That's an AWESOME idea! I LOVE how the nylon creates texture on the beads but you can still totally see the color of the beads through it. You're brilliant. What can I say?

  7. Love it! and LOVE that its something different and unique!! great job

  8. I actually think that nylon gave it a very awesome look! There is no laughing here. I craft with anything that could possibly can be used. lol.

  9. My mouth is open and drool may be slightly dripping! This is amazing. So cute!


  10. So cute, and you look adorable in it! I love simple and cheap....they are the best!

  11. Seriously-how can we be sisters???!!! When I see nylons and beads, I see....nylons and beads!!! I got jipped with some of the creative genes!! :) Awesome job---once again!

  12. L.O.V.E. it! awesome idea - can't wait to try it out! mamie


  13. So modern love it!

  14. Great idea! I've seen similar necklaces in all the stores lately; I love your easy technique! Thanks for sharing! :)

  15. I gave you the Versatile blogger award, head over to my blog and check it out!!

  16. Cute and genius! I'm totally making one...

  17. What a great idea!

  18. Help me!!! I have been trying to get my button on my blog and it is driving me crazy that I can't get the html text under it. do you have any pointers for me? How did you do yours? Sorry to bother you, but I am going crazy....

  19. lol Noooo! Crazy skills = a truckload of talent.
    Sorry, i guess i should just speak english! i love your blog, you make wonderful things!

  20. I have seen these necklaces all over the store. Never thought to actually try to make one myself! Very clever and cute!
    Scissors & Spatulas


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