
sunday shout outs

the frosted gardner

you'll never guess what this message board used to be...and I'm not going to tell you..you'll just have to go over and see....AMAZING

 Flamingo Toes

i LOVE this awesome anthropology knockoff

thrillingly thrifty

love this mobile made from clothespins and t-shirts.

My daughter has super long hair..almost to her butt long...and she HATES when I read this blog...cause I totally have to do everything! I love them! so fun!
and I love that she links up to other hairdo blogs..so it's kinda one stop shopping..

(do flamingo really have toes?)
and I just noticed that I already have a necklace from flamingo toes...what can I say? if you're great, you're great!

love this kid friendly sewing kit. I push craftiness on my kids like crazy..so this is right up my alley!

I love these chairs..and I LOVE THIS BLOG!

adore these paint chips. me and a few moms switch off teaching preschool...and this is so going to be on my to do list for next time it's my turn!!!

and it cleans up nice!!!

Love this world map...so great..while you are there...check out her etsy shop...such cute stuff! like.....

Adore. I'm adding crocheting to my new years list!

Amy from whisper wood cottage (on diyclub)

we all were part of the tin star craze right? I know you have one....or know someone who do...(i have 3) I love that Amy put lights behind hers...it's so beautiful!

 mama says sew

a great cute scarf! I always wondered how to make knit ruffle like this..and now I know!

is this not about the cutest thing ever! can't tell you how much I adore it!


  1. Thanks so much for the shout out, these are all really great projects...I'll be spending the rest of my afternoon perusing these blogs!

  2. The elmo hat was too cute!

  3. Hey Kimbo - thank you so much for featuring our magnet board! It was so fun to come over here and visit and see our project. I really cannot thank you enough. I am your newest follower. Have a wonderful week!

  4. Ok I love the paint chip ideas! What a great way to get free materials and use them in the classroom! A-MAZING!

  5. Yippee!! Thank you so much for the feature!! You ROCK:-)

  6. Wow - thanks so much for featuring me - and twice?? I'm thrilled! :)
    I'm so glad you like the necklace and the sewing kit. And yes. Flamingo's have toes. ;)

  7. I tagged you in a fun 15 things about me survey, play along if you want! :)

  8. Hey, thanks for featuring us! I'm so happy I found your blog, it looks like you have tons of cute ideas here. Now I have more crafts to stalk. :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.