
ruffly scarf

My sister is super hot..and i kinda hate her....she always has the cutest clothes.

 and I always feel like i'm dressed so...momish.

 Last time she was down, she had on the cutest gathered scarf....so i'm going to try to pull a mallory and be cool!

I must have been a lumberjack in a past life cause I love me some plaid...

trimmed off that uneven edge.....

I got 15 inches...and cut it right down the middle.
pinned up right in the middle so I will have one super long scarf! (about 88 inches!)

Then I just bent over the edges and sewed.....

this is sewn just once...I folded over this edge and sewed it again.= no raw edge

I then took some black elastic and sewed the very end on to the end of the scarf.

(I actually needed two packs of this elastic!)

Then I pulled it tight and sewed it onto my long strip of material (while I was pulling I kept a hand in the back to help the material stay put...
just right down the middle...

the under side (I used a blue thread so you can see it better..but it looks a hot mess...When holding the elastic and then holding the fabric in place in the back of your sewing machine...it's pretty tricky to keep an uber straight line. don't judge.

FyI...husband hates the scarf.

I now hate husband.

still love the scarf though.

He says he not a fan of the blue

I'm not a fan of him

still a fan of the scarf

the ends were the finished edge of the fabric...so I did nothing to them!

and some cuter eye candy.

and if you are in the market for more scarves...check out this adorable one from Ashley (yes, I feel like we are on a first name basis....she on the other hand might not feel the same way!)

I'm jealous of her dress form...I would never have to take pictures if I had one!

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  1. Your scarf is so cute...and I love the blue! To bad it rarely gets cold enough here for me to need a scarf!

  2. I love the scarf!
    I'm inspired to make one myself!
    Thanks for the AWESOME tutorial!

  3. LOVE THIS!!! So cute! Thanks for the great tutorial. I think it's kickass...tell your husband to suck it. :)

  4. Love it. It seems like a project that I couold even tackle!

  5. her's is super cute - I have it bookmarked - but yours looks easier to make, and I'm thinking *elastic thread*

  6. so cute, I have been wanting a new scarf as well. And I love the SNL mom jeans commercial. One of my favs.

  7. I love the scarf! What does your husband know about fashion anyway? :P

  8. I love everything about this scarf: the color, the print, and it looks great on you. Ignore the husband. I have some fabric (not as awesome as yours) sitting in my crafting pile that I just might use to make me one of these!

  9. Love the scarf!! I thought the insert head one was going to be a tongue sticking out to your hubby LOL

    btw... you can MAKE a true to your size dress form with some saran wrap and duct tape... my sil did it for her daughter and her neice that she is making a wedding dress for - she says it is perfect!

  10. Love it! Might have to give that one a shot...or at least ask my mom to! ;)

  11. I love, love, LOVE this! I'm in a scarf-making mood these days. I MUST try! Thanks for sharing!

  12. i LOVE your scarf, and you, my friend are adorable and HOT! and you are so not dressed like a mom. i always tell my husband if i pull my jeans up to my nipples, we are in trouble. of course, my nipples are almost down to my jeans after having kids, but that's a whole nother issue. is that TMI?

  13. Gosh... if I was as cute as you I wouldn't complain! Love the scarf, and love your fun real-life personality.

  14. I love it! I saw one of these ruffled scarves at the mall a few weeks ago and decided I must have one. Now, I can save about $30! Thanks for the tutorial!

  15. Adorable! So cute!
    Just wanted to let you know that I shared a link to this on my blog's, A Glimpse Inside, FB page.

  16. oh my goodness love this scarf and it looks so easy to do. maybe i will get brave and try it out! i did say maybe:-)

  17. I feel like we are kindred spirits. I sew the same way! I just blogged about my re-found love of my glue gun and even gave a little shout out to you! Thanks for inspiring me!

  18. What are you talking about!?! You look GREAT!

  19. You crack me up. I love that scarf. I'm tots making one. My husband, too, can suck it if he doesn't like it.

  20. This is so cute!! They make thread that is elasic that you can run in your bobbin! You can also use knit and then you dont have to hem it, just leave a raw edge! Normally I decide how think of scarf I want and do two lines sewn!

  21. You are super cute, and I LOVE the plaid. Great job!!!!

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  22. 1. You are totally hot and skinny. (And I say this not in a weird stalkerish way... oh you know what I mean.)
    2. Your husband can suck it. That scarf is ten shades of awesome.

  23. I feel the exact same way about my no kids having, foot loose and fancy free sister. I always tell her she's all "sparkly and glittery" and I'm all "mom".

  24. That's super cute. I love the plaid!

  25. 1. L O V E this scarf
    2. You look awesome in said scarf
    3. Husbands are always making comments they should just keep to themselves, aren't they? I mean what can a straight man possibly know about ruffles, scarves and blue lumberjack plaid. Well, they might know about the last thing. At least I know mine knows all about plaid (his favorite color!) :)

  26. Cute scarf...husband schmusband! A note on dressforms. I was looking on Craigslist for a used one and happened upon someone selling mannequins and their parts (arms/legs) (weird, I know). But for very cheap! You could look on there or your area's equivalent and find a mannequin torso for modeling.

  27. I love it, but what I love more is your post and how funny you made it:). Thanks for the laugh!

  28. I love this...I just found some fabric in my stash to make me one!

  29. very nice!!!

    starting every monday over at www.tootsiewootsieboutique.blogspot.com there will be giveaways and linky parties! so come and join in for some fun and inspiration!

    -The tootsie wootsie

  30. I wonder if you wanted to you could do the elastic first and then put another strip of fabric on top with the right sides facing together and sew 3 sides and then turn it right side out and sew around and have a double sided scarf maybe in a funky pattern on the other side or a different color of plaid....a thought for someone that doesn't like to sew all those hems, lol. Thanks for the idea, love the elastic instead of having to gather and then sew and break the gathering stitches!

  31. LOVE it! That sounds like me and my husband. He's always got an opinion! :)


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