

Have you noticed my new little button? I am done away with trying to keep track of everywhere I was featured (thank you by the way for all the linky love)
I twisted the girl creative's arm into making me a tutorial button

and she streeeetched my blog...so I can do this

BAM! that's alot of Kim (never enough though)

you can see ALL the zits on my face...and a few split ends!

back to my tutorial button....it is so I could be a little more organized (new years resolution number 132)

I've TRIED to organize my projects into groups

but let me tell you..it was hard. I have a lot of really dumb crap that goes into like 4 categories...so you might have to browse a bit to find something in particular. I have included pictures of each thing..so hopefully it's pretty easy for you. (going through...I really wanted to delete some of my first crafts...just not the best pictures and I was trying to find my niche...but i left them...it's kinda fun to see how far I've come!)

ALSO, i'm leaving up my list of posts...just the main titles of projects. I am also leaving up shout outs which is anytime I link to somebody else...and odds (that's when I go off into a tangent about martha and david hasslehoff (not together I might add). 

AND if you can't find something, let me know. cause I'm dumb and title things weird.

AND let me know if you have any suggestions

AND thank you


  1. Cool stuff, Kim. I love how your mind works. :)

  2. I stretched mine too - everyone else was doing it! but the organizing thing, I've got no motivation for that - maybe some day....

  3. I'm showing some comment love!
    And you know what? To be honest- EVERY TIME I see your name I can't help but think about you knocking someone out like Kimbo Slice teehee! I saw where a small dude knocked him out! That was like WHAT?

    NEWAYS Comment love!
    I love your blog and I love all the awesomness you got going for ya!

  4. Lol @ brooke.

    Kim I'm checking your tutes now in case I missed one. ;)

  5. Hmmm I wonder what Martha & David's take on glue guns as essential household/beach items?

  6. Oh.My.Gosh. I LOVE your bangs!!! You look absolutely adorable. Just thought I should let you know : ).

  7. Hey, KIMBO! I need a streeeeetch too. How do you do it? My blogola is scrunchied into the middle of my page. grrrr....

  8. Oooh, great idea! That tag cloud I have is so messy looking. I might have to work on cleaning and uncluttering my blog after I do my house!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.