

fabric rosettes are the easiest thing to do...and super cute on your noggin.

rip the strips...

tie a knot

and start rolling. ( I add hot glue to keep it together as a I roll...)

these are one of the easiest things to make..and super addicting. I have to restrain myself from rosetteing everything in my life.

I also found this great blog

so if you aren't sick to death of hair crap...go check it out! they feature the cutest crap around...like these:

go over to found out who made all these delicious hair crap!


  1. OMG! You read my mind! I was search various blogs today trying to figure out how to make the rosettes after seeing your hair crap. Thank you SO MUCH for posting how!!!!! Can't wait to make some hair crap for my girls...and me!
    Thanks! Love your Blog!!!

  2. Rosettes are my OBSESSION right now! I make wayyy too many! I wish I had a little girl so I could put them to use. Not like it's going to stop me though! Love your blog!

  3. Thanks for linking to my Blog: http://fabricbowsandmore.blogspot.com I have one of your tutorial on my blog here: http://fabricbowsandmore.blogspot.com/2011/01/thin-ribbon-bows-by-girl-and-glue-gun.html

  4. So easy and they are so cute.

  5. awesome. i just found some extra red and white fabric and i wasn't sure what i was going to do with them for valentines day! thank you!

  6. OK....I am going to do it. I have some fabric left over from making my daughter's new dance bag and I bought some really cute buttons for the centers and some headbands.....wish me luck!


  7. Love those rosettes!~ I have you seen the new product Cosmo Cricket has come up with called Glubers? They make these rosettes even eaiser! :-)

  8. So I just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog =) I find myself reading it daily! Love love love it!!!!!


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