
doily love

I got this little treasure for 75 cents at walmart...
and thought it would be pretty on a headband (it's on the brain)
so I took the middle and added some hot glue and twisted it
just gives it a little dimension

took some tulle and did the same thing...

glued  a piece of tulle behind...a circle of fabric in front...more tulle...
then I remembered these little flower beads I got a craft store about 2 years ago...

so I slapped one on the doily too.
(probably going to turn the other one into a ring..)

and added it to a fabric wrapped headband...


  1. dadgum, you can make headbands out of anything! love them!
    send some my way, will ya? :)

  2. You are just too good and creative.

  3. Kimbo all your headbands are super cute! I love the doily on this one! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase; I greatly appreciate it. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I'll be featuring this today. ~ Stephanie Lynn

  4. I LOVE this! I'm putting them on my blog.



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