
hair crap linky party!!!!!!

let's get this party started!!!!


  1. hair crap week is a very very nice idea....i love hair accesoires...for the most of my creations you need laces, satin roses ,tulle and hot glue;)

  2. aaaakkk! I've been day-dreaming of workign on my hair crap all week and for the last 3 days I haven't been able to find the supplies I need in my new neighborhood! Ugh. But I'm sneaking out on my lunch break for a craft-run. There WILL be hair crap by tonght... oh yes...
    Thanks for hosting this!

  3. alright, I just linked up a bazillion, but really, I held back because I have about 2 bazillion hair-type crafts (who knew!)

  4. What a fun idea for a party! Linked up a few!

  5. Kimbo.

    Do you know how much I love you? Cause I do. I tried to call you the other day and you didnt answer, but you warned me about that....anyways I loved your Heidi from the Hills makeover. And have you convinced your hubs to come to Salt Lake?

    love your kidney lobe

  6. Fun party :) You said "anything" so I linked up a giveaway for bows, hope you don't mind? If so, I'll understand if you want to delete it :) Love your blog!

  7. Yay fun idea!!! Lots of ideas here I wanna try! Thanks for hosting your very first linky!! :)

  8. sorry, the link didn't work, so I'm commenting again!

  9. Thanks for inviting me!! Love your blog. :-)

  10. Very cool linky party! I always make all of my daughter's hair crap! Thanks for hosting!

  11. Love the par-tay! I had A LOT of hair crap and I linked it all up! Hooray!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.