
cocker...i mean corker....

my sister in law has the cutest cocker spaniel.....but that is much ado about nothing.....

corker bows.

like them?

want to know how to make them?
get these supplies...

preheat oven to
wrap ribbon around a small dowel (probably 1/4 inch dowel)
and hold them in place with clothespins

place in a cute etched pan (not required)
(now if you are serious about this...you are going to want like 4 dowels and so you can mass produce them!)

and put in oven for

find something to do for 20 slowwww minutes.

take out after 20 minutes and let cool completely...

un wrap

cut into little 3 inch pieces
take some string and put underneath...

and tie.

i added mine to a bow and then a headband. but you can just slap on a clip!

so addicting to make!!!!

make sure to link up your hair crap HERE


  1. Thank you for showing the how to on this! I have wanted to make these forever and could never figure out how! They are super adorable :)

  2. I'm really enjoying all these hairband makes, and this one is very cute. Thank you! x

  3. corker bows - now there's one I've never tried....

  4. Those are so cute! What type of ribbon did you use?

  5. Thank you! You have done an amazing job with all of your hair crap!

  6. Is there specific ribbon you need to make these?? Yours came out awesome...

  7. So is that how you do it? I can see how it can be addictve. I hope that you have a great weekend.

  8. Nice idea for making the curly cue ribbons!! Have to try now! And those etched pans!! Those are still on my list! :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.