
a dress

this was on my christmas to do list....and I did finish it before christmas...but just BARELY! So I waited to post about it...cause I knew it would be funner (yes, that's a word...ask anyone from Idaho) to post a picture of it on the "subject"

she loves it I might add....and I got a ton of compliments on it...(which I GRACEFULLY accepted...with a "I know, I'm awesome..what did you expect..." or something like that!)

anyways...it started with a black vest I had in my not going to wear pile...but not giving to goodwill pile...(it's a big pile) So I knew I wanted to add a skirt to it...so let's start with that first...(and let me apologize....cause this outfit is alllllll black...so it's super hard to see the details.!)


I took a yard of "party" fabric (which means sparkly....in my daughter's head) and I folded it in half longways
and I trimmed off about 3 inches off one side (save for later)

and pinned it....
and sewed it with a loose base stitch not securing any of the ends

then i PULLED and gathered it like you would a ruffle.

Then I took a big thick piece of black elastic....and measured my daughters (little) waist

the pin is where I trimmed off...
(once again...you could plan ahead and measure BEFORE you buy...but hey, I got to be me.)

I pinned on the ruffled part to the elastic...and sewed it all the way across.

and then I just sewed up the two sides...

WAIT! before you do that....if you want it to be more of a bubble skirt..you can add some tulle in between the layers before you attach the sides. it will make it really fluffy!

now for the top...

remember this piece I cut off? Well...I wanted to make the tank top a little more "kid friendly" okay...just not hoochie mama.

I took a strip and sewed it across the v-neck of the shirt...

then I cut the remaining piece in half...and doubled it over... and added it to the sleeves...

tricky to explain..but i will try my hardest...

I took the ends of the strip it's doubled over cause it's pretty see through...you don't have to double.
I pinned the ends onto the sides of the sleeve (almost to the top) that gap is all the top of the strip of fabric...and I only left an inch between the ends..

Then I just tucked all that access and pinned into place
(it will look gathered)
then I sewed it around
Lost? sorry. if if makes you feel any better...I had no clue what I was doing when I did it. just trying to make it look good.

And do you remember this project?

well...I took the remaining chain I had left over...hooked them all together and attached to the vest...

just stiched it on...

 NOW...I left these two projects seperate...(basically cause I couldn't have her try it on to see where I wanted it )

got to love that toothless grin!


  1. awesome! want to make one for my girls??

  2. you are so talented. i'm going to go cry in the corner now because i'm not you. seriously, you always make the cutest stuff!!!

  3. Thats adorable! And she is so cute with no front teeth...lol

  4. What a rockin' dress! You are awesome at sewing, even if you prefer the glue gun.

  5. It turned out awesome! You should be proud!

  6. Any little girl would just love to wear that. Nice work!

  7. Super cute dress!! Love your blog!!
    New Follower here!

  8. super cute!!!!! my toothless kid would love one of these as well!


  9. I love this!! Not only is the dress amazing, but your daughter is adorable in it!

  10. That is super cute. I will have to stick to buying my kids clothes as I'm not as creative as you :(

  11. You did a spectacular job. The dress looks amazing. Your daughter looks just like you. So pretty!

    <3 Kate

  12. Such a cute little dress! I want one in my size. And what a stylish little girl lol :)


  13. She is rockin' that dress! Love it!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.