
Are you ready to start the new year off right?

how about a little SYTYC!? A new year...a new season.....
  It's thrift store week. *sigh* a personal favorite of mine!
my favs:

I think I like this model just as much as the dress! so cute

she has also added a linky party on Friday to show off your projects! (Don't worry...they don't have to be new!) so if you have any junk...oh, I mean thrift store finds..and you turned them into something fantaboulussss..make sure to link to them up so everyone can get in on the goods!


  1. I loved the suitcase too. I think I'm drawn to the fabric. I have a purse in that very same fabric.

  2. The suitcase and the window seat were both in my favorites too. So excited for the new season!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.