
who names a kid Indiana?

We recently had an Indiana Jones movie marathon (called Indie 500----500 minutes of Indiana Jones) My son is such a fan. and you'll never guess what he wanted for his birthday? a whip. Yeah right. why not just buy him a loaded gun. He actually started using a rubber snake as his "whip" and I'll tell you what...it hurt!

so I am making him a non- whip whip. Hopefully this fabric one is going to keep the welts away.

 The Handle:

I had this faux leather in my stash...don't know why or how it came to be here....but glad I didn't need to make a trip to JoAnns. (okay, I went anyway!)
I hot glued it into a long skinny cylinder... Sorry...forgot to take a picture...but I just rolled it and hot glued the edges..and see that circle? I hot glued it to the bottom...then I took any scraps and stuffed them down in side.

Then I had this stretchy brown fabric...the name escapes me....(KINDA like nylon but it wasn't...It will come to me..) but I cut it in three strips (not all the way...it's not cut about 2 inches from the edge.  They I put that piece in my mouth (yeah...I know...but it's not like I selling this on etsy or anything!) and braided it.

penguin socks...

the braid.

at the end I tied a knot. So this is about 6 inches cut..and approx 44 inches long....
Then I hot glued the piece I put into my mouth into my handle

took some leather cord...(59 cents a yard)

and hot glued it around my handle....

and that's it.

now to find an awesome indie hat

tried to get an action shot:

which didn't really work...but he enjoyed himself!

and this last picture is to remind us that Harrison ford was HOT back in the day.

whos doing the theme song in their head? cause I AM!


  1. You seriously have become my favorite blogger! LOL. Great job on the whip! (You didn't tell us if it hurt though!) And yes - he was HOT!

  2. you are the best mom ever! awesome!

  3. That is why you are a super cool mom!

  4. Kim! Haha! Great post. Check your email. I sent a picture of what hangs on the wall in my classroom...I think you just might appreciate it...

  5. My boys would LOVE that! You are just too creative!

  6. Wow! Way to go!!! I would've never thought to just "whip" one out like that! Heehee. Couldn't help it!

  7. I'm going to maintain that Harrison Ford has aged well (maybe not as well as Sean Connery) and therefore I wouldn't use the word WAS. :) Just saying, I'll watch his movies any day. haha!

  8. My son is an Indy freak! He was him for Halloween and I meant to make a whip, but I ran out of time and just bought one. And, just so you know, I was THIS CLOSE to naming my daughter Indiana (after Jones, of course), but my husband talked me out of it. We named the cat that instead!

  9. Love your whip, my kids love the movies and are constantly asking for a whip.

    On the other had I met a mother who's last name was Jones who named her poor poor son Indiana Jones. I knew the kid when he was three and everyone was already looking at him funny. One worse was the Family with the last name Davidson who named their one and only girl Harley. Oh my!

  10. My friend named her DAUGHTER Indiana Jones. I kid you not. We all tried to talk her out of it, but her husband insisted.

  11. Fantastic! I am going to "whip" one up for my son's birthday. While I was pregnant with my 3rd child, he tried to name him Indiana Ironman. It almost worked. Great idea!

  12. Was hot? IS still hot in my opinion. And I totally agree. Sean Connery is way up there in the hot old man scale! LOL

    I don't know about the name Indiana, but do love the name Harrison. I'd like to name a son that, but my husband says no way since our last name has the word Head in it. Get it? Harry Head? Yikes!

    I do love the whip project. Very clever as always!;)

  13. To the second to last comment on HF : AMEN!
    And yes, now I AM singing the theme song, thanks :op

  14. Thats awesome!! Looks like your son had a blast! I don't have boys but my husband is in love with that series - strange! He would totally love this, lol. Another awesome idea girl!

  15. Love the idea... and I think Harrison Ford is still hot... It's like Sean Connery and good wine, enjoyable when young.. and getting more interesting as years go by

  16. Lol this chain of comments rocks!! Don't whip me but I haven't seen any of the Indiana jones movies....can we still be friends?

    Love your guts

  17. well, technically his parents didn't name him Indiana-remember? His name is Henry Jones Jr-he named himself Indiana after the dog :) But I love the whip idea! Super cute and hopefully softer than a real one!

  18. A friend of a friend named their daughter Indie after him. They also have a son named Annakin and another named Neo. No, I'm not kidding. Oy!

  19. That's fantastic! My MIL makes capes for all her grandboys, but a whip would be awesome--I've passed your tutorial along. :) My husband always says he'll dress up for Halloween only if I can get him a REALLY GOOD Indiana Jones costume. I'm well on my way now. :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.