
oh..one more thing.

we also do a chocolate advent...cause what's the holidays without a daily dose of sweet milky chocolate?

each one has a little door with a number that pops open to reveal a chocolate...

I got this at a local craft store...but i saw some at TARGET....if i was REAL crafty I would have made my own version. Lucky for me I'm not REAL crafty..and I happily paid the $1.99 for each!


  1. My roommate's mom got me the same one! :)

  2. i may have to go look at target tonight for something like this for my monster!! i didnt get to make one this year!

  3. I LOVE those ones! I look forward to them every year. So much so that in the three Christmases I've spent with my hubby I haven't even bothered to make a calendar!

  4. I had these when I was a kid!

    I gave you a blog award!-you can pick it up on my blog at http://cupofdelight.blogspot.com/2010/12/blog-award.html

  5. I featured you on my blog for Craftify It Thursday!! Swing by and grab the featured button and link up a craft if you'd like!


    Jennifer @ Life with the Lebedas


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.