
single stones giveaway WINNER!!!

Okay...so I might have forgotten to pick a winner. let's blame it on:
the holidays
3 kids
christmas party
another christmas party
christmas shopping
chirstmas recital
3 kids (did I mention that already?)

I'm sure I could think or more but the theraflu is REALLY kicking in.

winner is #43....... (that would have been too cool if it was number 21 again....)

Lindy E. said...

So cute! I would have to put him above the piano. There he would inspire our family when we gather to sing on family night. He might possibly inspire my kids to want to practice more :)

lindy E! congrats! email me at kimbowest21@gmail.com so I can put you in touch with single stones studio!

loved all the ideas! I might have to order me a birdie too...

my FAVORITEST idea is from

Amber. said...

I'd put it on a piece of wood or a tray of some sort and put the phrase "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear" next to it - then put it in my bedroom where I'd see it each morning as I greet the crazy busy day!

oh...I LOVE it...(and elf too!)  so much fun!  thanks again to Single stones! make sure you go over there and order yourself some cute vinyl! such an awesome do it yourself project that is super easy and makes such an impact!!!!!

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.