
for the kid that likes to dress up.

Do you remember these?
well, if you don't remember...click HERE

these would make a great gift for christmas....fill it with all sorts of dress up goodies.

You can buy a lot of stuff at the dollar store
necklaces, swords, crowns,  wands, police badges and guns, pom poms, shoes, doctor stuff and on and on and on.....

but you could even make your own...
I made a batman cape for my son...super easy:

Just a yard of whatever material it on sale...I got this one for two dollars a yard at walmart...and made two capes out of it.

just cut some scallops out of the bottom and folded over the top and sewed.
I just added a ribbon to tie it on..

added a felt batman..
(you could hot glue this entire cape if you wanted)

or add a diy wedding veil

just hot glued some tulle onto a headband.

then hot glued some flowers onto that....

and you can always make a mask...felt and fun foam are both great mediums

just punch a hole in the side and add some elastic or ribbon!

 another great cape:
and for you non-sewers out there...

and who doesn't love a great pirate costume?

and when you are done dressing up....stick your suitcase under the bed and out of the way...

1 comment:

  1. I love this gift idea for Christmas! Thanks for sharing:) Super cute!


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