
and a bracelet for me....

confession..I do all my own christmas shopping. My husband would..if I let him..but I am just too picky. I like picking out exactly what I want....so while I am making a partially homemade/ handmade christmas..I thought I had better throw in something for myself!  I don't wear alot of jewelry. but I saw a bracelet in some magazine and I loved it...and of course I couldn't pay $30 for it when I knew I could make it for like $5....
 and here's the even better part...I made it super fast! for reals

 I had bought all these chains at the jewelry part in my local craft store...I got all different sizes making sure I had a range from big to little.

I bought the largest jump ring I could find (in jewelry section) and with my pliers I opened it up (like the picture below) You are NOT supposed to just spread it apart. I don't know why...I would think because it could weaken the jump ring...but who knows. Maybe Martha said not to do it...and so the world doesn't do it. I know if Martha told the world that everyone that is crafty wears button down shirts..I would. EVERYDAY.

I put all the chains on . I just slip them on the jump ring (that's the nice part about chains!)

when I had them all on..I measured my wrist and then the chains and trimmed them down. Looking back..I don't know why I didn't measure first. Moment of insanity I guess. You actually could measure your wrist and THEN go and buy your chains...but that would involve being prepared...something I lack.

 I could never be a boy scout.

after they are all cut down to size...(oh,  I just used little metal cutters from my girl tool kit) add them to another jump ring. I didn't keep them straight...I wanted them to twist over each other.   
then I added a closure.

and then I went to try it on..and found that the I was SUPPPOSED TO MEASURE TWICE AND CUT ONCE. cause it didn't quite fit. darn. My daughter was watching me and at this point she is thinking that the bracelet is hers...but I just added a few more jump rings to make it fit. I guess I could have gone and added a few links to each chain. but I took that the lazy womans way out (don' t tell Martha.)

 and your done. It's really super fast...and I love the way it looks. I will be sure to act REALLY surprised when I unwrap it on Christmas!

This bracelet is off the chain yo!
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  1. so where did you use the glue gun? just kidding.... it looks 'fabtabulous' and trendy. And easy which is right up my alley. I think I have a couple of young ladies who would like one. Thanks for the tutorial.

    oh, I thought how proud you'd be when I was making my annual christmas decoration and instead of sewing I glued the head and wings on! (it is an angel with bells below..."everytime a bell rings an angel gets their wings" theme this year)

  2. I don't let my hubby shop for me either. Too many ugly shirts in the past! Love the bracelet!

  3. It looks terrific. I don't blame your daughter for wanting to steal it.

  4. Awesome bracelet, I wanna make one.

    FYI the jump-ring rule of not pulling apart is that it ruins the circular shape and is basically impossible to get back once you have eliminated it. Then the ring won't close and all your stuff falls off.

    I speak from personal (sad, Sad, SAD) experience. Kids, don't try this at home. Pull the jump ring TO THE SIDE like your mother and Martha told you.

  5. Cute, cute bracelet!!! And I'm like that too! Why buy it when you can make it for WAY less!

  6. This is a tiggeriffic bracelet~! Going to make one for my grandgirls.. They will love it~!
    ta ta for now. from Iowa..

  7. I just discovered your blog today and I am so glad I did...I love this bracelet! I may have to borrow this idea! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  8. So pretty! I love your blog because you make everything look so easy. I'm not that crafty but would like to try this. What tools do you suggest you shoud start with when you make jewelry --I've just got scissors and my glue gun!

  9. That is the neatest thing ever! You made it seem like I could actually make one... and maybe I can! Your pictures are great too. Take care and keep making those beautiful things! jules

  10. You know I love this!!! And I can't wait to try it!! Thanks for linking it up at Fancy This Fridays!!! Check back later today to see it featured on our blog, and grab our Featured button!! Also, we listed it under our porjects we wanna try link! THANKS!

  11. Super adorable and great tutorial! The advantage of the extra links: you can both wear it! Good save, I like how you think. (The easy way.)

  12. Kim I just wondered what gauge Jump ring that you used?

  13. I love this! Thank you so much for sharing! I always look at these in stores but don't want to spend the money on them. I want to make one with a mix of metals!


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