

Yes, I talking about JoAnns....again.

Today was the big day.
I woke up early
got dressed in my prom dress (wanted to...but I changed my mind last minute)
and made my lists
and gathered all my 40% off coupons

and went to the OPENING of the new JoANNS!!!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (imagine a bright light shining on it)

first thought...
look at that tiny cart.
What the?
Don't they know how much fabric I intend to buy?
(a lot-- in case you didn't know the answer)

It's not a super JoAnns...and for that I am grateful for...cause then we would be stuck eating ramen noodles for dinner all year cause I would have spent all the money...
but I am happy. very happy.
and I'm also going back tomorrow...cause my cart ran out of room to hold fabric...and I was knocking people down with the bolts that were haphazardly sticking out of my cart.....

and I should also mention that my two year old daughter feel asleep while we were there....maybe  we were there a little too long...

still so happy.


  1. so happy for you! soooo wish we had one

  2. We are in the process of buying a new home, and guess what?! Literally ONE minute from our doorstep is a big, beautiful JoAnn! Enjoy yours!!

  3. Does your Joann let you use more than 1 coupon per trip?? Because sometimes I make my 4 year old go through the line so I can use 2 in one day:)

  4. !!!! that's funny I was there on the opening day too. I wonder if us blog buddies live close and never realized it.

  5. I would say that if your daughter fell asleep in the cart then you were there just the right amount of time. I love sleeping babies...I just don't know why mine doesn't like to sleep.

  6. I think JoAnn's might be one of my favorite places in the world. Fifteen minutes from my house is a shopping area with a JoAnns, Micheal's, and Hobby Lobby within a mile of each other. I think of this area as heaven :)

  7. JoAnn's is up the street from me and thankfully it's not a Super store because I can easily spend 2 hours there when I only went for one thing. Of course I need to go there today too!

  8. hahahah this post made me laugh a lot, I went to Joanns yesterday (it was the opening of a supercenter one, huuugeee!!!!) and the carts are so small that I was bumping into everything and everyone, I was buying felt to make the "felt activity mat" for my kids...I wanted to buy the whole store!!!!

  9. there's no joann's in Canada, so sad. I regularly travel 2+ hours to go to one in watertown, ny. it's worth it!

  10. ugh! I hate JoAnn's! But I always go in there... and buy way too much stuff. There are two near my house and they have the Rudest staff Ever! AND they are always under staffed and have long lines.

    Yet I always find myself there...

    Hopefully your new JoAnn's is staffed with wonderfully happy people! :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.