
Have you heard the word?

In case of you missed this awesome deal.....the word of the day is CANVAS PEOPLE. 

We love looking at ourselves (or other loved ones)
and we love killer deals.

so How about we combine them?! Yippee...for a steal of a deal YOU, yes even you in the corner, can get an 8x10 canvas of any pictures for free (just pay shipping and handling.)

Now you pessimist are saying, What's the catch?

and since my mom told me not to lie....I will tell you. Shipping and Handling is 15 dollars.  Yes, sounds expensive for some shipping...but look at it as a whole...you are getting a custom work or art...a picture of your choice...on canvas (shop around...this is not cheap!) for 15 dollars. (the 8x10 canvas usually goes for $55....)That's pretty freaking awesome.

Now let me ask you this...what's better than an 8x10 picture of your loved ones face......?

an EVEN bigger picture of your loved ones face! They will put that $55 towards any other sized picture.  So you could get a 18x24 (which normally goes for $100...for only $45.) That's a big honking canvas!

Now, I am trying to decide what picture to use....cause I'm ordering me one.  And I'm thinking a picture of me and my husband kissing (since it's a favorite past time)  or maybe a giant picture of my glue gun (also a favorite past time) or maybe my youngest daughter (cause the other two are just trouble...) or maybe I will do a picture of my mom and dad with all the grandkids for my parents for christmas...or I have my sister-in-law's name for christmas...I could do one of her new baby....or maybe I could do....

what would you do?


Hurry! these would make the greatest Christmas presents! I could probably give one to each member of the family!


  1. I was soo excited when I saw this I jumped right on it! I finally decided on a picture of me and my hubby from a recent photoshoot we paid for. We upgraded to a bigger size too! I'm wicked excited for it! (And if I were you, I'd pick you and hubs kissing, I think it's refreshing to see a picture of the couple in a sea of cute kids.)
    Good luck choosing!
    Amie @ http://www.kittycatsandairplanes.blogspot.com/

  2. Thanks! I FINALLY ordered a print from our wedding (5 years later). So excited! I got the 11x11.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.