
For kids with cold heads....

I've been blogging about these cute hats since I saw them on SYTYC. (by I am momma Hear me roar)
Yup, I know you have seen them...
WEll, I decided since I love them so much...I had better make me some.

okay, not ME but my daughters.
I actually had all these onesies laying around...to cute to throw away....but it was, well, a used onesie...so no one wanted it. and one might have had a little run in with a magic marker

and since the sets of onesie all kinda match and go together...I thought I would make it  out of them...

I followed Cheri's instructions (click HERE)
and the onesie worked out perfect...

for the top

the 9month onesie was the perfect size for my 7 year old daughter....I had to trim about 3-4 inches off the side for my 2 year old daughters hat.

I folded it into 4ths and made the cut.....(please see Cheri's instructions if you are confused!)

cut a strip for the middle....

and for around the ear part....
I just followed along the snap part.

my pieces all laid out.

for around the bottom of the hat...I cut off the binding along the bottom of the onesie...

and sewed it around.

even the top has the perfect embellishments for my hats....

Now with 4  9month old onsies...I was able to make 2 hats and I could probably squeeze out another one if the fabric wasn't colored over with magic marker.

 These cute little hats aren't the warmest....I was going more for adorableness than actual warmth.... (so my title doesn't really fit...but my next choice was, For kids with ugly heads....not quite what I was going for!) you could line them with some fuzzy fabric if you needed the extra insulation.

my daughter has lost all of her top teeth. cute huh. Just a little lisp--and I love it. I keep asking her to say things like susie sits by the seashore.

and if you loved the first version.....now you can  love the second version of these little dude hats. (from old sweaters mind you!) you always need a hat in winter!


  1. I love them, the pink looks even cuter then the boy version.

  2. Those hats are so cute on your daughters! I love the pink and brown.


  3. super cute! way to save those onsies girl!


  4. These are adorable. I love the colors.

  5. these are SO cute! I have a stack of those onsies too! I want one for ME!
    taidye original

  6. These ROCK!!! I always love seeing girls versions, since I don't get to make girly stuff very often. Thanks so much for sharing this with me! I can't wait to share these in the next "You Roared" segment. Adorble! Great work!


  7. Love these! How cute! Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  8. Um, seriously?!? How cute are those! I might have to make one of those myself.

  9. These turned out so cute. I really would like to get over my sewing knit phobia. Maybe trying one of these would help.

  10. Clicked on the link for the instructions and I got a '503' error...is the website still around? If not, could you repost the instructions? Would love to do this before fall/winter hit here in Ohio!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.