
For the Artist

Do you doodle? Me and my neice have been playing this doodle game for awhile. I draw a doodle...she turns it into something awesomely creative.

Now that my daughter is getting older...I am hoping my creative genes rub off on her a little bit....So I made this little artist package to nudge her in the right direction....

 I bought a pack of paper (dollar store)
this says, I could work faster, but why risk chipping a nail?

needless to say, I changed it out...

took the paper out
and added a doodle to each one

see the doodle....
turn it into something....

all filled up and ready to be creative.

I also made a DO YOU DOODLE notepad.

Got this sketchpad (also at the dollar store)...made a cute cover (using all those fonts I downloaded at Kevin and Amanda....loving my new fonts!)

and I added a theme to each page and added a sketch when needed.
drew a big box on this page...

drew just a little rainbow

the outline of the window.

a big plain butterfly....I lightly sketched each one with a pencil...just to get her started.

My other page themes:
Decorate this room
What lives on the moon
Fill this vase with flowers
draw yourself as a superhero
Design an outfit
Draw a face
Design a candy bar
Draw a picture without lifting the pen from the paper
Fill this plate with something yummy
Landscape this house
Decorate this room with something that starts with each letter of the alphabet
Draw what's awake during the night

I did leave about 5 blank pages.

you could also adapt this for the writer...give them a notebook and start them out with the beginnings of stories...just a thought in case we aren't all doodlers...

also included in the package is my fabric covered notebook
I made this two sided marker holder out of the leftover material

you have to alternate pockets to make it two sided...I just made really big ones and it was a snug fit!

it can stand up and sit on her desk...ready to be creative...

the package

I think I will include a real artist pencil, a blank canvas, a coloring book, and maybe a gummy eraser.


  1. Great idea! Thank you for sharing! I did the shapes on a much smaller scale for Christmas last year and I love your idea of buying a boxed scap set to keep them all in one place! Thank you for sharing!

  2. This is such a great idea! You did such a great job. I know plenty of little girls that would love to get something like that.
    I remember playing this game when I was little. I love that all the paper is in one place and it already has doodles on it.
    I love the notebook and markers holder. I really need to make some of those for my daughter.


  3. Umm....this is amazing. Love every single detail. We are on a tight budget this Christmas and I need all the help I can get!


  4. LOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEE it! I happen to know someone else who would LOVE it too!! ;)

  5. Awesome, awesome, awesome idea! I love it! I always give something extra special to my favorite baby cousin for Xmas(I call all my 2nd cousins baby cousins even if they're 16!) that loves to draw and paint. She'll love this! Thanks for the share!

  6. This is adorable! Some of my fave memories from when I was a kid was when I would doodle with my mom and dad... they both were artsy fartsy even though my dad refused to admit it. lol. Keep up the good work!

  7. I really love all of this!! My son loves to color, so maybe I will create something like this for him to expand his artistic interests!


  8. Holy cow, I love these ideas. LOVE!! They are so simple, yet so... thoughtful and fun! I know lots of people who would like this gift. I also really like how the marker holder stands on its own.

    I'm totally going to copy this.

  9. What an awesome idea! Love, love, love this artist inspired gift and I'm saving this idea for when my daughter is a little older.

  10. Love this idea.....we all need to be encouraged to be more creative!

  11. What a great idea!! I have to try this with my son!!

  12. Ok, so I really really REALLY love this idea! This would be such a good Christmas gift! I am going to copy it (of course and give you the credit) You are so crafty. :) Love your blog! Would you ever want to do a giveaway on my blog? I am wanting to hold one soon! Send me an e-mail if you are interested. themohlmans@live.com


  13. What a great idea!!

    Of course, since I call my daughter "Doodle" I had to come check this out! :)

  14. Excellent idea, I'm totally loving this!!

  15. Thank you for this awesome idea!! I LOVE it! I have been looking to make stuff for my 3 kids, this is perfect and it looks so nice. Great job!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.