
A Crafty Christmas

Each Christmas, we exchange gifts with my family. This year, we had a multiple choice of what kind of presents we wanted to do this year..and handmade gifts won hands down. (I was hoping and praying....you know how I love me a good handmade gift!) 

Our thinking was this,

Our kids are just getting so many toys....I mean how many littlest pet shops can one girl have
answer: a ton...(this seems like a lot...but my neice has TONS---can't blame her though...they are just so cute!)

the skunk is one of my favorites...that little lamb too.

but guess what? they get set on this shelf and played with once a month.

We are just overwhelmed with presents that they THINK they want, play with, and then get  sat on a shelf to gather dust
(insert picture of lite bright, and jewelry kit, and polly pockets, and .......)

we just thought that it would be fun to handmake our Christmas gifts this year....
which brings me to

here at A girl and a glue gun.

I know I know.....similar to Christmas in July...but in July, Christmas was the FURTHEST thing from my mind!

During the month of November (see, I'm doing it early (not as early as July) so you can have time to do it too!) I am going to post about the handmade gifts I'm making to make this Christmas a little more special!

I love homemade gifts for three reasons:

A. you know they won't have it if you are making it.

b. it just means more. It took time and effort. You pick out the fabric or paper, or whatever especially for the person you are giving it too...and I love that...i get more excited to give it than they are probably to receive it!

C.Remember the economy? how's it in the pooper? and Christmas can be a little overwhelming...so I think when you include some homemade presents it can help ssssttttrrrreeetttttcccchhhh your dollar. 

So get your glue guns ready (OKAY, maybe a sewing machine project here and there too!) and let's get ready for CHRISTMAS!


  1. Awesome! I'm doing a Count Down to Christmas, I'm making as many handmade gifts as possible. Though, in the defense of Littlest Pet Shop and Polly Pocket, and My little pony, My daughter plays with them EVERY day. And she plays with ALL of hers (and she also has a TON) The other day she forgot like 2 of them and she knew exactly which two she had left in the room and she was crying because apparently they were an intricate part in her play.

  2. I'm doing all homemade things for my family too. I am also adding lots of new ornaments this year that I'm making and I'm super excited about it! Can't wait to see all the things you make, because let's face it, you're awesome!

  3. Can't wait to see what you will be making...I need to do this to help save money since we have so many kids-Christmas gets really expensive!

  4. I am so excited to see what you are making! I know they will all be awesome. I love handmade gifts! I always try to make some of the gifts each year too.

  5. Yipee!! I love handmade gifts! Can't wait to see your wonderful ideas. Oh and my daughter would pass out if she saw all those littlest pet shops!! I think she has about 5!!!

  6. Yea! I totally agree! I am making as many handmade gifts this year as I can. My niece has the same issue with toys..but with My Little Ponies. My sister asked us to only give her and my nephew 3 gifts per year at Christmas (they get more on their b-days) so that it would help them to focus on Jesus and others instead of themselves at christmas. But you know grandparents...my mom would wrap like 5 gifts together and put it in a bag and say it was "one." haha So my sister had to lay the smack down last year...good thing my family is not easily insulted!

  7. I am very excited to see all the ideas you share! I hope I am inspired to make some too:)

  8. Can't wait to see what you make so I can steal the ideas LOL

  9. I love this idea! I'm also posting up my ideas. Since I have tomorrow off for election day, I'm excited to get busy with all of my crafts. Check out my list too :) Can't wait to see all of your ideas!


  10. Excellent! I will be making all my gifts this year too... I'm going with homemade chocolate truffles and hand painted tea towels! And a few knitted scarves and blankets too :)

  11. WE are doing a homemade Christmas too. I am in desperate need for a homemade gift idea for a 13 year old boy who loves to be outdoors (but has no other hobbies). Please help. Thanks, Cindy from Alabama.

  12. We drew names and did homemade Christmas one year. My sister and I had both just bought houses and money was tight everywhere. It was one of the most fun Christmases ever! I am hoping to convince them to do it again this year. I would much rather spend the money on traveling to actually see each other now that I live 11 hrs away.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.