
spider shirt

I got this Idea from the martha stewart show... (pre-jail martha) I am or was a huge fan of martha....I loved her old show and watched it religiously...now...not so much. sorry martha. but I still love you. YOU are a good thing!

anyways...I took a shirt that actually used to be my sisters (everyone in my family KNOWS not to throw stuff away...they just pass it down to me!)

and I plugged in my glue gun...and while I waited for it to heat up...
I took a package of spider rings... (you know...the dollar ones!)
and I snipped off the ring part.

which left me with a bunch of spiders...

and when my glue gun was all heated up..

i stuck those little spiders right onto my shirt.

now a word: if you are making one.....make sure you don't put any where your arm is...cause you will get rubbed raw from these little spiders...just thought I would pass it on.
 (if it's long sleeve...nothing to worry about!)

just something simple, and fast --I just fold mine up and put it in the Halloween box to be worn the next year.

a few past pictures:

this was our first Halloween as a family....that little baby is 7 now!

the baby as two years old....and that is my pretty little husband. Oh, he even shaved his legs.
the baby as 4.

and I didn't wear it last year because we had a family theme of superheros....

and I was wonder wife!

took a recent photo...i was holding onto the door knob so my daughter wouldn't open the door...not the best picture but this was my next option:


I also thought they would be cute on a cardigan

I didn't actually glue anything on....I just bought this cardigan for my sisters fake birthday...and i didn't think she would love spiders all over it! (I Guess I should mention why we have a fake birthday for her...her real birthday is on dec 24...so we celebrate is on Oct 24 cause with the hustle and bustle of christmas...her real birthday tends to get overlooked....not cause we don't love her...cause we do! She tells everyone her birthday is oct 24.  I also would like to say that she is turning 21 and is old.

 Now, I just wash mine on a gentle cycle and air dry...and it comes out nice and clean with spiders still intact!

I even made one for my daughter.....more on that TOMORROW...
oh the suspense...don't die from it or anything!


  1. The t-shirt is such a fabulous way to dress get in the spirit without full on dressing up! I love it and the centipede is perfectly creepy!

  2. I just saved this pix im totally going to make this shirt for my little girl:) she cant wear halloween costumes to school LAME so this will be perfect for her to spead some spookyness!:) great idea thanks for sharing!

  3. What a simple and fun idea.. Thanks for sharing!

  4. really, you can wash it??I think I need to make this!

  5. I can just picture myself in this- I would freak out 1500 times per day trying to brush the spider off that I saw out of the corner of my eye! Maybe my arachnophobia is a little too strong for this one...
    Fun, original idea though!

  6. Last year, I added the bugs to my sons zombie costume. I sewed some of the pieces down for extra security, though. The spiders alone are great for the mom's shirt, though.

  7. What a fantastic idea!! When I was little I always ended up with lots of fake spider rings from trick or treating and we always gave them away or sold them in a goodie bag at our yard sales. From now on I'll have everyone save them for me to use on shirts and stuff!!! :) Thanks for sharing this!!

  8. I thought about doing something similar to a skirt for my girl,but I wasn't sure if they would stay. Now I know to go for it!!!

  9. That would work great on scrubs too! I am always looking for ways to spice up my work wardrobe!

  10. did you throw away the plastic ring part? Or have you found a use for it.

  11. Oh, I absolutely love this! What a great idea! And I love the pics over the years of that shirt!

  12. I love this. I'm not really a mask or dye your hair for Halloween kinda girl. I love that this "dresses" you up without requiring your hair to stay a different color for days.


  13. Ohhh, I might have to do this...my boys would love it. Last year I made Martha shirts for my whole family, the Eyeball Shirts.
    'cept I made it with just regular acrylic paints, and its been fine, we've washed my son's shirt a dozen times and no problems.
    Love your blog!

  14. Those projects are cute, fun, and funky. I could do w/o the centipede :).

  15. way cute!
    Following your blog- can't wait to see more cute ideas!
    Would love a follow back!

  16. I REALLY wish I'd seen this before last weekend when we had a Halloween birthday party AND a Trick or Treating event! Oh well, still time to make it for this weekend. Great idea, so doable and fun! Thanks for sharing at A Crafty Soiree looking forward to seeing you next time too:)

  17. I posted your link here!

  18. Love these! I hope you will link up to my Wickedly Creative Halloween Ideas Party.


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